Monday, February 24, 2014

Unpinning My Pins - #3. Or Not.


Time to reveal how unpinning my pin #3 went - the fitness one. The one that I committed to be motivated to do. Not once. Not twice. But 5 times in one week. So how did I do, you ask?

Well, I did do it once. I even did it twice! In a row!!! Like, two days in a row!! I woke up at 6 in the morning (as this is the best time for me to do any fitness), put on my workout clothes, laced on my sneakers and pumped out each exercise. Isn't that commitment? Pretty motivated, eh?

But then I woke up the 3rd day and that was it. I didn't do a single exercise. And it has now been 6 days since I've done anything remotely fitness.

But I have some really good excuses reasons why I couldn't complete my Fitness challenge (they aren't usually too hard to find, eh? Excuses, reasons, explanations etc.).

#1 - I woke up that 3rd day under the weather and by the end of the day I was sneezing, feverish and my eyes kept watering.

#2 - this lovely cold lasted well into the weekend.

#3 - I started feeling better by Sunday and so Monday I was ready to start again. However, I was scurrying around, taking apart our bedroom as we are getting some renovation work done in there. Our en suite has also been completely ripped out. After talking with the guys who are doing the work, it became obvious that we would have to move out for 2-3 days. And so that is what we've done.

I guess I could say my fitness goal of 5 times went out with the toilet and vanity. We are now living with my mom (thanks, mom!!) on a few hours notice. There really is no excuse why I can't continue the fitness challenge while living here though. Oh wait. In my haste I forgot to pack my workout stuff. So it'll have to wait until we get back home - maybe tomorrow or the next day. But I do hope to complete that 'program' of push ups, crunches, squats etc. at least 2 more times this week.

We shall see.

Did any of you do the challenge?!

Monday, February 17, 2014


So far this winter, I have given off the impression that I do not like this season, which would make you question why we would drive numerous hours to enjoy, get this, Winterlude of all things. That's because I should let you in on something - what I don't like about winter is the amount of stress that happens with every snowfall due to loved ones being in the snow business. However, what I love about winter, and especially this winter, is all the sparkly snow, the fresh crisp air, and the sun. Usually the colder it is, the sunnier it is. And I love that about winter. And this winter there has been no shortage of the white stuff or of the sun.

So yes, we packed up the kids and all their junk paraphernalia, including now a potty because someone was being trained, and off we went to Ottawa. And what a great time we had!! Lots of outdoor and indoor activities as the pictures will show you. Unfortunately, the young man was sick which was too bad, but we still made the best of it.

We left 2 days after a snowstorm, which meant seeing lots of this - 7 to be exact. It reminded us of driving down in the States, where we can often count dead deer along the sides of the highway.

We stayed in the Minto Suites where we have stayed before. We love it there! And the best part of staying in a hotel?! Why, jumping on the beds, of course! Especially because that is not allowed at home :o)

Sick boy :o( I love it when he is sick. He is sooooo cuddly and snuggly and cute. Well, I don't love it that he is sick, but I love what he needs from me.

Someone enjoyed her double bed, not only for jumping on, but for stretching out in!

Nathan took Keziah out to walk around the Parliament Buildings and to check out the ice sculptures.

A few days later, even though Lincoln still was not feeling the best, we still threw the kids into the bike trailer/stroller, and biked on the Rideau Canal. We knew we'd probably pay for it by not helping Lincoln in getting over his cold, but we figured we just *had* to skate on the world's longest skating rink. You see, you don't go to Ottawa's Winterlude and not skate on the Canal!

Not only is skating on the Rideau a must, but so is eating a Beaver Tail.....or 2.

When we weren't outside enjoying this beautiful winter, we were inside, enjoying each other's company and cheering on Canada as the Olympics had started. I even was spoiled with a pedicure!

Swimming was a hit!! We learned that Lincoln has lost his braveness when it comes to the water. He was quite scared and would not let go! We are thankful for that - especially with a pool in our backyard, meaning, he has fear - a good fear of the pool. Last year he did not.

And so, after some blessed quality time together as a family, we headed home. I don't know about you, but I have this every time:  I am just as excited to come home with my family as I was to go away with my family! We praise God for allowing us to enjoy this trip together, and for safe travels. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Unpinning My Pins - Pin #2

It has been a busy week since my last post, as we were able to skip out of town for 6 days to enjoy Winterlude up in Ottawa. More about that later, but first things first, my commitment to making a heart-shaped cake for Valentine's Day.

We aren't big on Valentine's Day as yet again it is so over-commercialized. Besides, "love" is also so misunderstood nowadays, a term that is so overused and misconstrued. I could go on about that but not now. Maybe another time.

While we aren't big on it, I still wanted to make the day a wee bit special and so I made the cake. As you will see, the end result will look nothing like the picture (here's the link:, but that is because I did not want to make a chocolate cake (yes, I am feeling okay :o). I made a carrot cake instead, with pink cream cheese frosting. Here are the pictures:

All baked and cooling:

I baked it yesterday and then assembled it today:

Time for pink cream cheese frosting, using red food colouring!

Well, look at that - it *does* look like a heart. Yay!! Time to decorate it with whatever you find in the house:

And there you have it. Nathan was impressed. And so was the young man in the house - after digging his fingers in it once when mommy wasn't looking, he was finally allowed to eat it :o)

And with that, this pin can now be checked off as "done" :o). Next week, I am committing to this one: It's a good thing too yet - seeing as what I made this week. ;o) I commit to doing this 5 times next week. There may or may not be any pictures......

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

UnPinning My Pins - Number 1

So last week I committed to doing some of my Pinterest Pins for various reasons, the lack of motivation being the top one. And it's a good thing, too!! Today we are reminded again that it is Winter. We are enjoying another snowstorm which could leave us with another 25 cm of snow. Oh well. Might as well enjoy its whiteness while it is here. Besides, when the sun comes out it just looks so glorious out there.

I chose a simple activity for my first one, one that got me sitting with my girl. We did some Easy Salt Painting. (

All ready to go: construction paper, glue, table salt, little containers with water and food colouring, paintbrushes and one very eager child.

Keziah needed help with the first step, which was to make a design with glue. We picked a flower.

Once done with the glue, it was time to shake some salt on it:

And then time to dab our design with our coloured water, using a paintbrush.

 And that is when we encountered our first problem. Are you surprised? I mean, there's got a be a problem as it is Pinterest after all, where it is more common for the end result to look nothin' like what you pinned. Where are the brightly coloured designs like it shows on the website that I got this idea from??

Well, thankfully the problem was easily fixed. And I should admit that the problem wasn't Pinterest, but my reading. I kind of missed that part where it said to add food colouring to a few drops of water, not a boatload. Oops. So we corrected it, started over with a new design and tada!! Much better results:

It was a simple neat little thing to do; when you dab the food colouring to the salt, the colour spreads, so that was cool. All in all, she had fun and that's what counts!!

There is more than just the feeling of something accomplished being a plus to this commitment of unpinning. Now that I am actually doing what I pin, I can say that  perusing through Pinterest is no longer an idle activity, which means I can do more of it ;)

Next week, in honour of Valentine's Day, I hope to do this:

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Guess what?! It is FEBRUARY!!! Yahoo!

On that note, here is the pretty, happy, funny, thankful, real, and loving things about our past week.

I bought this gingerbread house from off the clearance section after Christmas. It was a hit and Keziah loved decorating it this past week. She thought it was so pretty!!

The kids were happy to have their little friend over a couple times this past week.

Keziah thought it was more comfortable to sleep and stay warm this way, flipped around on her bed with her legs tucked into her pillowcase. We found her like this, sound asleep, as we went to tuck her in before we headed off to bed.

Speaking of funny ways of sleeping, we found Lincoln in this position. I love how he still sleeps with his butt in the air. This time though, it looked not only funny but alos quite uncomfortable as he had his butt up in the air and his arms stretched out above his head. I dare you to try it. When you do, you can tell me if it's comfortable or not!

This stuffie, Cookie Monster, has become very real to Lincoln. The last few days he has wanted to include Cookie Monster in all of his activities.

(in the above picture, he is sharing his dessert with Cookie Monster, giving him a little piece of his chocolate :o)
Keziah is very thankful for a strong, strapping young daddy, who is willing to rescue her, her bike and the shovel from the snowdrifts. So am I. :o)
I love how ties make little boys look like little men. Here is Lincoln, all ready for church.

We are in for another snowstorm today, so I am busy making chili for the guys - 4 batches done so far! I hope you all have a safe weekend, wherever you are!