Monday, September 21, 2015

Six Year Old!!

During our wonderful camping trip at Bon Echo, a brown-eyed beauty went from 5 to 6, all in one day. We were camping when she was born so how fitting it is that we are camping for her birthday!! I've heard from others that they never liked it that they were camping for their birthdays, but so far she loves it.

The week before, she had her first birthday party with 5 of her friends. It was two hours of fun. Having a pool certainly helps those 2 hours go by fast!
 Trying to be patient, waiting for her friends to arrive :o)
The girls had fun hiding their presents for Keziah to go and look for them.

And now pictures from her *real* birthday, including her much anticipated supper of broccoli, baked potatoe with the works and chewy meat (steak) :o)
 Decorating cupcakes!! I wonder if a bakery is in need of some decorators - wouldn't you hire us?!
 A wee bit full.......

And so wraps up another birthday for our girl. I know every parent says this, but honestly, she is such a joy. Her love for her brother is fierce, as well as her love for all things stuffed. She is the typical oldest girl, meaning she is very conscientious of making sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing :o) But she means well when she keeps them in line - not wanting them (mostly her brother) get into trouble. We love her incredibly much and our family is blessed by her. Thank you God, for gifting her to us 6 years ago. We pray we may continue to enjoy this gift for many more years to come.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Enough Already!!

Well, I figured it's been almost a month - time to update, no?! My, my. I don't know what has taken me so long to update. It's not like I don't have pictures to post - what with all our camping trips, a girl turning 6, school starting, just to name a few.

I actually wanted to blog all our goings-on, but the thought of "Who really cares?!" crossed my mind a number of times. But then I thought "Hey, everybody posts pictures on Instagram. Why can't I post on my blog?!" So let's do some catch up, shall we?

Way back, like a month and a half ago, our long anticipated camping trip arrived. Here in Ontario, if you want to camp in a nice park, with hydro, you need to book months in advance. And so, after booking in March, then waiting 5 months to enjoy it, we couldn't *wait* to set up at the park we chose this year: Bon Echo Provincial Park. We arrived on a Monday and didn't have to go home till 12 days later!

Oh wait - the week before we left, I kind of had a soccer injury, which resulted in a chipped bone, wreaked ligaments etc. So a boot and crutches were needed for a bit, but I do believe Keziah used the stuff more than I did as I found it so cumbersome.

The doctor's orders were to keep my foot up, so camping was the next best thing for me! Nathan would be there for the next two weeks to help me out, so really, the timing was "perfect". Sort of.

Onto an onslaught of pictures from our camping trip.
 Trying to catch the above little creature by setting up a trap! It almost worked!!

We LOVE it when people go home and leave behind some wood!!!
Ah, childhood. I love it that they spent hours filling up cups and water bottles with dirty water from puddles. Such simple fun yet they were so content.
 My love. My partner. The one that still makes my heart have an irregular heartbeat.
Spending one of the coolest days (16 degrees) hiking and canoeing. 
 They noticed Nathan and I were pretty tired of canoeing, so they figured they'd take over. I do believe we moved 3 metres in 3 hours. :o)
We hiked up this rock pictured below - the rock that Bon Echo is known for. The kids did very well!!
Learning to ride a bike!! Love Lincoln's face as well as Nathan's thumbs up for his son!
 Every camping trip, we have a Story. This time is was my turn to tell it.
Keziah sat there with her finger in her mouth and Lincoln didn't move a muscle. Let me tell you, my story was quite riveting!! :o)

After a wonderful two weeks together as a family, we headed home. The weather going there and coming back home was exactly the same: pouring rain. Thankfully we didn't see that during the two weeks we were camping (during the day anyway).
We love our camping trips. We leave all devices at home (even Nathan!) and enjoy our moments together as a family. We are thankful that we had this time together and pray that we have many more years of making memories on a campsite!