Monday, November 28, 2016

So How is it Really Going?!

Wow, can you believe it?! Two posts in one month!! Well, I've noticed the last few posts have been mostly pictures, and that's great, but not too much has been said about how life is really going here.

We are a good 3 months into a new routine now with school being the main thing that takes up our days. At times this routine has had its frantic moments, where statements like, "I am not so sure about this!" and "When will we have a calm morning?" are said. However, for the most part, we are in a good groove right now.

Monday mornings have proven to be the toughest mornings to maintain the calm. I need to be out of the house by 7:15 to get to school on time for our Monday devotions as staff. Nathan helps out by bringing Keziah to the bus stop and Lincoln to the sitter's, but I still need to have them ready to go by 7:15. While Nathan is great at many things, doing Keziah's hair is not one of them :)

I usually have to remind myself Monday mornings to stay in the moment. My mind is already at school even though I am still at home, getting the kids ready for school. That means I am not always present - or if I am, I am not all that patient. So I am working on that!

Tuesdays are "easier" in that all three of us head to school. Sometimes I put them on the bus, sometimes they come to school with me. When we come home in the late afternoon, things can be a bit rushed because Keziah has music class for an hour - which she is LOVING, by the way!!

Wednesdays are great because before I know it, I am almost done teaching for the week! I absolutely love teaching, but it is always a bit of a relief when I get to lunch time on Wednesdays knowing the next few days I get to be home to catch up on my wifely and motherly duties.

Thursdays is the day both Lincoln and I are at home. We call it our PJ Day :) It's a much needed day for both Lincoln and I. He loves the freedom of just waking up and playing for hours, as do I. Usually by 10 he becomes a bit bored and wants to go somewhere, so we often go for walks or visit friends or Oma, or go to the Library. This tends to be my baking day as well.

And then there are Fridays. Ahhh, Fridays - both kids are in school so that leaves the day to myself! I use this day to plan - plan all my lessons for the following week so I don't have to do much at night. I also use this time to plan for my home to get ready for the following week i.e. meal plan, grocery list, clean the house, finish up laundry etc. etc.

Fridays also are the days where Nathan and I try to spend an hour or two together, either going out for lunch, taking a ride on his motorcycle, going for a hike, anything that means spending a few hours together. We love this day!

So that is our week. Finding a balance is a weekly thing. Working part-time has forced me to learn my limits and to set boundaries. Being 2.5 days out of the home makes me love the 2.5 days at home. Right now, both Nathan and I feel we have a great balance for our family. Teaching is so good for me and I am loving every minute of it. It also results in my being happy and content when I am at home.

Keziah is also loving school. She is in a very busy class which doesn't always go well for her as she tends to retreat then. Learning in the classroom is not her biggest strength and so she requires a bit of extra help here and there, but she excels on the social side of things. She has such a caring and motherly nature, looking out for those who are in need.

Lincoln loves school also. He does very well in the classroom and is starting to sound out words all around him. He is very eager to learn and wants to read in the worst way. He is also starting to sound out words and write them down. The other day he wrote: wels (wheels), dor (door) and beg (big) to describe his monster truck. While he excels in the classroom, he struggles a bit socially. He is not the most confident boy and so recess is not his most favourite thing. Anything new he hangs back in and will not participate until he is absolutely sure.

Oh, and then there's Nathan :) Although he is not in school, his days are filled with learning as well. Another season has wrapped up and the business is kind of in between seasons right now, waiting for the snow to fly. He loves his job and does it well with a great team around him.

So as you can see, we are all enjoying the paths God has placed us on. Our most favourite days are Saturdays and Sundays, where we get to spend time as a family. We treasure those days, as well as our dinner times, where we talk about the favourite parts of our day as well as what was hard that day.

And of course, some pictures. See if you can guess what days these are taken on according to what I've told you above :)

Neon Day at school:


Pattern Day for Lincoln:

Not all the dress up days are for school!! :)

I hope you are all doing well! We are entering into a busy month. I pray that as Christmas nears, the real reason for the season doesn't get lost in the busyness this month tends to bring. We are looking forward to some family time with Christmas holidays coming in a few weeks!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Photo Dump

The other day I was downloading some pictures and once they were done, I started to flip through the last few months of pictures. I noticed there were quite a few there that I thought might be fun to share.

So here goes! Enjoy!

This Autumn has been so nice which means some hikes to enjoy the beautiful colours and sights....which included this amazing car that we saw where we parked for a hike.

Keziah was given cauliflower plants in the spring from a friend who knew of her love for this vegetable. She has been very excited to eat what she has planted!

Someone lost another tooth - the proper way this time (without the use of a ball....). Love the toothless grins!

What keeps Nathan and the kids busy between church services on Sundays - playing with Lego! :)

Lincoln and I headed out on another hike one beautiful Wednesday afternoon. As you can see, I LOVE fall colours....

We certainly serve an amazing and creative God!! The weather continues to be beautiful, much to our delight. We are halfway through November and have yet to really feel Winter coming on. It's hard to imagine that two years ago we were dealing with snowstorms already. I'll take this any day!! :)