Before March is behind us, let me update you with what kept us busy in February. It was another month without snow. This winter, other than December, has been short on snow so far!! I actually don't mind the snow, but I'll take the mild February weather that we enjoyed as well.....maybe if I knew what March had in store for us, I would have enjoyed those mild temperatures even more!!
Fun around the house. This girl and her creativity. She always is making some fin-angled thingamajig, an idea that pops in her head and away she goes, creating, twisting, gluing, tying, stretching, bending - using things around the house in other forms than what they were made for. Below she came up with the idea of using bracelets and pipe cleaners to make herself some glasses. She walked around with these one for the better part of the day. What a clown!! I love it!!
Oh, and things are not just made for herself....she made sure she had one for her stuffie as well.
Nathan and I managed to get away for 2 nights and 3 days. Not a long time but a blissful time!! We went back to where we went for our honeymoon 18.5 years ago: Sir Sam's Inn. Unlike back at home, there was a tonne of snow here! So we took the opportunity to frolick in it, first by going dog sledding and then the next day by going downhill skiing.
I am not usually a dog fan (make that an animal fan), but certain dogs I have an instant connection to and I could take them home. I love these dogs.
The Sir Sam's ski resort isn't large, but that was just fine for us. Neither one of us had been on skis in quite some time.
I feel so incredibly blessed to walk life with this man.
Thank you to my parents who had the kids for a few days!! Speaking of my parents, way back when they celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary, us kids got some trains made as a gift. You see, trains are one of my dad's most favourite things in the world. And seeing that we know a very gifted man that does amazing things with wood, we asked him to make a number of train sets - one for each family. The idea was that the names and birth dates would be burned on and then it could all be displayed.
It took a number of years to actually get the display up, but alas, up it went in February. My parents have this hanging on the wall in their cottage. What do you think?! Doesn't that look pretty cool?!
Ours is the second from the top, on the right. Here is a close up....
I notice that everyone in the family has been posted in the above pictures except for one. This monkey of a boy......mischievous, I tell ya! But oh so fun!!
Looks like I'll be back next week as March comes to a close. Enjoy these days, savouring each moment at a time, knowing you'll never get it back. See ya soon!