For the last 10 years, we have camped on the Thanksgiving weekend. We first started this tradition at the Pinery Provincial Park, inviting whomever to come and join us.
2 years later, we moved to Turkey Provinical Park (how fitting, no? For Thanksgiving weekend??!) as this park was much closer to home, about an hour or so away. What attracted us to Turkey Point were the bike trails. There are numerous moutain biking trails there and every year we discover more.
And so the last 8 years we have been enjoying our Thanksgiving weekend, camping with our very close friends, Jenn and Jay. Things have changed over the years for us. I remember years ago feeling sorry for Jenn as she would have to wake up early because of her toddlers and baby, while I got to snuggle in bed for as long as I liked. I guess I could have gotten out to help her but have I mentioned that these mornings could be cold??!. Sorry, Jenn!! But you know what? Tables have turned and now it is me having to get out of bed because it is now my little ones that are awake early and she gets to sleep in cozy and warm because her youngest is almost 5. But we are in a warm trailer, so I have nothing to complain about.
We've been spoiled the last two years because of the very warm temperatures. We knew it wouldn't last. And sure enough, this Thanksgiving weekend, it was cold. Not as cold as 3 years ago (I remember this as Keziah was only 2 months old), but definitely cool.
We actually left on the Thursday already, with Jenn and Jay and kiddies coming up on Friday. Thursday and Friday were very nice outside, not cool at all. But then Friday night came. It poured that night and not only did the water come down, so did the temperatures! Saturday and Sunday were cool, like 10 degrees, and Monday was a bit warmer.
Okay, okay. I hear you. You want pictures!!!! So onto pictures we go:
Somebody was getting too big for his infant car seat and is now in a "big" boy's car seat on the way to camping:
Our big helper, setting up the screen tent:
Learning to play Ladder Golf:
See, Aunt Jenn? THIS is how you throw it:
And maybe stick out your tongue 'cause that might help, too:
Nathan had a bit of a stressful week, which caught up to him Thursday night. He was snoring in his chair by 7:30 (yes, his legs are that white that the flash reflects off of them :o):
Having fun, roaming about and playing at the park:
And then it got cold:
And no, he is not frozen stiff :o)
One way to stay warm: play lots of badminton!
"So Megan, why doesn't YOUR mom make you wear snowpants?? My mom does which makes it VERY hard for me to move."
Enjoying a campfire lunch:
Lincoln was a happy baby most of the time. There were times when he got frustrated from being so bundled up and so I would take him in the trailer where he could crawl and stand up without any obstacles. He was also teething so everything, I mean, everything went in the mouth.
On Monday, everyone in the park leaves. And because most people are in a trailer, that means having to get rid of the trailer waste before going. This means big. long. lineups. And so we beat them all by hooking up the trailer at 7:30 in the morning, dumping, and then came back. It just meant we couldn't use the washroom, but that's okay. I'd rather that "inconvenience" than having to sit in line for hours.
Watching daddy do the dirty work, out the window:
"Don't worry, Lincoln. I have you."
And that concludes our trip!! By Sunday night I was ready to go home and so we were home on Monday by lunch. We were looking forward to being in a warm home, only to come home to it being 11 degrees inside!!! So much for thawing out! :o)
Although it was cold, which made things a bit difficult with a 9 month old (I hardly saw Keziah as she was always with her friend, Kathryn), it was a good trip; a trip filled with games, fires, marshmellows, chats, walks, all done with the blessing of doing this with such close friends. We pray for many more Thanksgiving weekends with them, the Lord willing!!!
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 100: 4, 5
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