Friday, December 28, 2012

Sinter Klaus #2

Awhile ago, December 15th to be exact, we celebrated Sinter Klaus with our very close friends, Arie and Tamara. Arie and Tamara have always included us in their family activities from the day we all have been married (they got married 2.5 months before us), especially after their first was born, William. This was so special considering we did not have children of our own for so many years. By including us in their family, this eased the pain of childlessness at a time of the year that would otherwise be so hard to get through.

I can't remember when we started celebrating Sinter Klaus with them, but for many years, it was just the 5 of us, with William being the only child for a number of years. And today? Well, today the adults are completely outnumbered, like 4 adults to 7 kids!!! 8 years ago, we would never have thought this could ever happen. There were times when both families thought it would be the way it was: a family of 3 and a family of 2. But God has been gracious to both our families and now these Sinter Klaus gatherings are filled with laughter and joy from all the kidlets running around. God is good. Below is a glimpse of the 5 out of 7 blessings, surrounding Uncle Arie.

What makes our gatherings so special is not only has the Lord blessed each of us with children we hoped for, but we have the added blessing of witnessing our children being friends with each other. Esther is 2.5 months younger than Kez. They get along fabulously! Esther is everything Keziah is not, including physical appearance! They compliment each other marvelously and Tam and I find great joy watching these two together.

And not only does Keziah have a friend in Esther. Arie and Tam were blessed with a little boy 6.5 months after Lincoln was born, so that means Lincoln has a buddy in Jonathan!! Lincoln is patiently waiting for Jonathan to catch up to him. Right now 6 months is a huge difference. Give it a few years and that difference will lessen, and both Tam and I will be holding onto our hats chasing after these two.

It is so special to see our kids being loved by this family.

But onto Sinter Klaus. Every year, it's the same ritual: the kids go downstairs, peppernoten is thrown down the stairs by "Santa", who also knocks hard on the front door. Well, you can guess who was petrified. Poor Keziah. I knew she would be scared so I went downstairs with her. Sure enough, she heard the pounding on the door which made her jump. And then little cookies (peppernoten) came flying down the stairs. She didn't know what to do. While all the other kids were running around gathering all the cookies into their bowls, Keziah clung on to my hand with such a fearful look on her face. I tried to encourage her to pick up some cookies, and I think she was brave enough to find 3 to put into her bowl. Oh, my darling little girl.

After the peppernoten was all picked up, the kids scurried up the stairs to open the door to see if they could still see Santa. Well, not all the kids scurried up the stairs. One held back in fear.

"Mom! I don't want to see Santa!!!! I don't want to go upstairs!!". I tried to convince her that Santa is not real (oh no.....I hope you aren't reading this to your child :o) and that he is not there. After some convincing, she went upstairs but only if I would carry her.

But once she saw what was at the door, all her fear was gone!!

And let the opening begin!!

Candyland!!! Every parent's dream game!!! :o)

What?? But it's not PINK!! It's not PRINCESSY!! You mean to tell me, it's actually a boy toy?? Yay!!! The first one yet!!! :o)

William received a gift and in it was bubble wrap. I think that was the favourite toy of the night!! The girls spent a lot of time and energy hopping up and down, trying to pop all the bubbles.

Who doesn't like a Richard Scarry book?

Enjoying the gifts together:

I am so thankful that of all the gifts I received that night, it is these 3 that I get most excited about taking home with me:

And last but definitely not least, I do believe this picture below sums up everything of that night: peace, contentment, humbleness, love and joy, plus a few more but I'll let the picture do the talking.

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