Friday, February 1, 2013

January Learnings

January can be long. I don't mean just in the number of days, but it can sometimes feel like it is going to stay cold forever. I actually don't mind the cold. The colder the better, because that usually means the sun is shining. However, bundling up two kids into all the winter gear, and then trying to fit them and their gear into a 5 point harness car seat is just not always something fun to do, sun-shining or not. And so that means we stay home a bit more, spending time inside, learning lots together.

This month was full of "learnings":

Someone learned to climb! And he looks quite proud of himself, too!

Oh, and apparently sitting on the mantel isn't daring enough. Let's stand!

The fire mantel became "boring" to him once that was accomplished. So onto to discovering what else this "climbing" skill will get him

And this is what I could get pictures of! There were a few things that I couldn't as his safety was more important than grabbing the camera. Like the time he grabbed onto my oven door handle, pulled himself up like a chin-up, which made the oven door open up and him fall backwards onto the floor (good thing my oven was off). Or the time he was playing with the water in the tub from outside of the tub, which meant leaning over the tub with his feet off the ground, hanging there on the edge while splishing and splashing. Yes, he keeps me hopping that's for sure!!!

And usually it's the younger learning from the older. I think this will be different between these two. Seeing that her brother can climb, she finally attempted to do some climbing of her own. That's right. She is 3.5 and just learned to climb into the crib. And no, she did not know how to get out!! I am sure he'll be eager to teach her!

But climbing isn't the only thing we learned this month. We learned to blow our nose!!! That is a big deal when you are three!!! Like everyone else around here, we were all struggling with colds, the snorting, sniffling, coughing kind. Well, there is only so much sniffling a mother can handle. When you hear the intake of sniffles every 8 seconds, one can go bonkers from grossness!! And so we were determined to teach her to blow her nose. And she did it! How, you say? This is how:

She had to blow the candle out with her nose!! And tada! She now knows how to blow her nose. Yay!!!!

Other things we learned was that the best way to pass a cold wintry day is to have a friend over to play with:

And before you think climbing is the only thing Lincoln learned this month, let me show you a few other tricks, like what fun it is to yank all the books off the shelf:

He also thought he learned a way to keep his mother from shovelling food into his mouth that he doesn't care for:

And lastly....wait for's exciting I tell ya!!

Someone learned she could see her eyebrows!!!

I know. The talent is mind-blowing :o) I can't wait to see what February holds for my family and their gifts that they are discovering. I'll be sure to have the camera ready.....!

1 comment:

  1. That last photo is hilarious!! I laughed out loud :) Good idea about the candle, too!
