Thursday, April 18, 2013


I have a few posts running through my mind, but it just seems wrong to post about such frivolous things when there are a lot of people in grief. It seems very selfish and shallow to go on blogging about every day activities going on in my life, when there is so much turmoil happening around me.

Yes, I am referring to the bombings on Monday and now to the explosions in Texas (very different from each other, yet both have left many people in mourning, in shock and injured).

These horrible events that have happened in the last days have reminded me of the calamities like these that happen every day for some people in particular countries. There are people who live with the fear of bombings every day; due to the danger in their country, to dare to even do an every day task like lining up for bread is risking your life.

Let's pray together for not only the US citizens, but for all those where peace seems far-fetched. Let us pray for the governments who are placed in authority to rule their countries. Pray for the victims all over the world whose lives are affected by these events but let us not stop there. Pray also for these people who intentionally harm/kill others with their homemade bombs, which often means killing themselves.

Although we may never achieve world peace (that will only come once Christ returns), we may continue to pray to the Almighty Ruler to be with these people who suffer so much. While it may seem that we aren't doing much because we are so far from the situation(s), never think that prayer is being passive. So let us pray hard and continually for this world that we live in.

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