Despite many camping trips all summer, there was still plenty of time to cook, relax by the pool, bake and read. I know, rough life, eh?!
Shall I really tell you how my last month went in regards to parenting?!?! Nah, sorry, not ready to share that (yet?) with the "world". Just know that I am far from perfect, and my children are busy every day, teaching me to lean on God for strength, wisdom and encouragement. And I am so thankful for the close people around me as well, who God is using to keep my head above the water. You are probably thinking "but she only has 2 hard can it be?!". Just pray for me and not judge. Thanks!! :o)
But I digress. What I really wanted to focus on now was what I read throughout the summer, particularly a "Christian" book. And see, this is where it has taken me some time to gather up enough nerve to write about the book that I read. Let me give you a bit of a background.
Every summer, a number of women in our church try to get together once a week or so, to do a summer study. I don't want to call it Bible Study, because it isn't really studying the Bible. In my mind, studying the Bible is choosing a book from His Word, taking it verse by verse, keeping it in context to the verses around it, the book and the whole Bible itself, and glean from what God is revealing to us about Himself, about His plan of salvation and us, His children. What we did this past summer definitely involved the Bible, but we studied a topic, rather than a Bible book.
The book that was chosen for this summer was "Becoming More Than Just A Good Bible Study Girl" by Lysa Terkeurst.
I don't know about you, but when I read that title I was completely turned off. I'm not sure if I can explain why, but I do know I immediately judged the book and thought "Oh here we go again......".
Another book on how to do things better? On how to be a good Christian? Is this just like all the others out there that have me navel gazing rather than having an upward gaze toward God? A book that focuses solely on 'us' rather than on God? Will it have me thankful only for what God has done for me and that's it, not thanking Him for just being Who He is? A book that mentions God's Word maybe 2 times throughout the whole book?
So I definitely had my reservations when I signed up. But can I say I am so glad I read it and went (almost) every week??!
But this is where the title of this post comes in: do I dare. You see, I would love to recommend this book to you. As you might note, I haven't recommended a book yet on my blog. It isn't for lack of reading. Oh no. I love to read (proof? Come and visit me unannounced. My house will scream SHE READS!!).
The reason I am fearful of recommending a book, particularly one that is topical yet with a Christian theme, is that I am afraid that I have not discerned well enough. There are soooo many books out there, ones that "sound" good....that is until you talk to others and find out that you didn't discern well enough. There are many different "levels" of Christianity due to human interpretations of the Bible. I don't know about you but I can have a hard time discerning it all. I know the difference between different religions. I know why I am a Christian and not a Muslim; or follow Buddha; or don't keep the Jewish rules and regulations of today. That is black and white for me. But to discern the varying ways of thinking in Christianity? Well, that can be very grey for me.
I've had it before where I've read a book, talked about it with someone, only for them to point out something that actually goes against what it says in God's Word. But I didn't catch it!!! I was fooled by the sound sentences and flow of the story/experiences. I was mesmerized by their way of putting it all together. The wool was pulled over my eyes through their delivery (thinking of sermons/speeches). And this isn't the author's fault. It is MINE and my lack of wisdom and knowledge of the only True Word out there, of not even having the Bible open.
So it is my lack of discerning "well" that makes me nervous to recommend this book. Yet I still want to say something about it as I found it to speak loudly throughout many parts of it. I found so much food for thought, which benefitted me in many ways (except the last section......didn't care for it so much, but that doesn't nullify the rest of the book). I caught myself many times wishing I had read this book earlier, but then it most likely wouldn't have spoken straight to me like it did this past summer.
(I would lend you my book, but I may have underlined a sentence or two :o)
But the best part? She uses the Bible as her guide, not her guide as her Bible. And isn't that the key to all of this? That the Bible is always the first Book to go to for guidance, for help, to gain wisdom and knowledge?
So while I recommend this book, read it discerningly. But most importantly, don't let this book take over your time with the Lord and His Word. Ultimately it is His Word that we need to immerse ourselves in to "become more than just a good Bible Study girl." It is quotes from the Bible (taken in context) that need to come to my mind first throughout the day before quotes from any "good" book. But in order for that to happen, I need to be in His Word, walk in His Word and pray for understanding of His Word. And when you do that, and you still have some "extra" time, by all means, read this book! Pray for discerning eyes, and if you want, do let me know if I missed something that my eyes should have caught.
*it also comes with DVD and a day by day study guide, which you can see in the first picture. But you don't need the study guide or DVD to understand the book. The book on its own works.
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