Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Days

Yay! The sun came out today!! It sure has felt like it's been awhile since we've seen the sun. We've had a lot of grey damp days which has kept us inside for the most part.

Life has slowed down considerably now that Keziah has her bubbles. Every week we are and will be travelling back and forth to have her bubbles filled, but they cannot fill them if she gets sick. That means we are limiting her social schedule. No more gym for awhile (she always joined a program while I worked out), no more birthday parties etc. We do still go out and about, but for the most part we are enjoying our time at home. I am an extrovert and so there are some days that I can find difficult, trying hard not to feel cooped up. But this too shall pass. I keep reminding myself to enjoy each day at home, the freedom of doing whatever and whenever, because in less than a year, I will be tied up with a schedule that is out of my control (when Keziah starts school).

The kids are enjoying themselves at home, playing together. Can you find Keziah?! It is her new hiding spot :o):

When it is oh so quiet in the family room, I know now not to assume they are doing things they shouldn't, but to take my camera and snap a few pictures. They LOVE looking at books.

Keziah is slowly easing out of her naps. What a difference a few months makes. Last time she went without naps was back in August. And every day without a nap meant a 4:30 pm melt-down. Now she can go a few days without a nap - and without a melt-down! While she may not nap so much anymore, we stick to the whole "quiet" idea. This may mean resting on the couch with mom....

.....or doing a craft (so much easier to do when Lincoln is sleeping).

And when we aren't playing, crafting or reading, there is always the option to talk on the phone :o)
(don't ask about the socks. They are very rarely on her feet. I am just glad to know they aren't on the floor for once, which is usually under the kitchen table after kicking them off even before breakfast is over.)

We have set up our Christmas tree, slowly making the house somewhat festive. Nathan and I never grew up with a Christmas tree (in fact, they were frowned upon), and so that leaves me wanting to do some research on the history of the Christmas tree. If I find out anything interesting, I'll share it with you.

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