Well, after a miserable meltdown way back when, I dug up the book that had been sitting on my shelf for two years: She's Gonna Blow by Julie Ann Barnhill. It was high time I read it. Yet, knowing myself, I knew that to actually stick to reading the *whole* book, I had to commit to it in a way that would hold me accountable. No better way than promising to my readers of a weekly summary to get me finished!! And boy, am I so glad!
So, what is my take on this book?
Would you be surprised that I think everyone should read it? :o) From mothers, to fathers, to leaders in the church, to those who work with kids. It is eye-opening, soul-searching and heart-wrenching. It is encouraging, funny, real and helpful.
In today's day and age, where we can so easily present ourselves and our families in such a way that gives off the perception that we have it all together (via Facebook, Instagram and blogs), this book brings everything back to reality, and that is, no one has it all figured out. No one has it altogether, no matter how hard they try. That is because we all, every single one of us, have a sinful nature. We are not perfect in any aspect of our lives, including our parenting, no matter how hard and good we are at fooling others.
I loved how Barnhill used the imagery of a volcano, sticking to that through all the layers of blowing up. I loved how she made me think of things that I never thought of before, like the spiritual damage my blowing up does to my children. Sure, I knew about the physical and emotional, but the spiritual? That was a new thought to me, one I am so thankful for.
I loved how honest Barnhill was, how sincere and straightforward she was throughout the book, sharing her experiences of parenting. While the chapters were long, it never felt long.....until I had to summarize it :o)
I loved how she really stressed that we need each other, stick to each other to encourage, help and share in what can sometimes feel like a burden of parenting, to be real with each other.
But most of all? I absolutely loved how Julie Ann Barnhill brought it all back to The Word. That she has the Bible listed as the only bedrock we can anchor our parenting in was so true and such a wonderful and encouraging reminder. She brought it all back to God, the Creator of you and me, as well as our little (or big!) charges.
I remember a number of years ago, I had attended a Teacher's Conference, where there was a speech done by one of our ministers. I don't remember the whole speech, but one thing he said has stuck with me since that day:
"Your students are not just your students, but are your brothers and sisters in the Lord."
The same with our children. They are not little and we get to do whatever we want to them just because we are bigger. No, in the family of Christ, my son is my brother and my daughter is my sister. I don't know about you, but when I think of this, it totally changes my attitude towards them. It reminds me that in the eyes of God, I am no "higher" on the totem pole than my children. Just because God has given me a position of authority, that doesn't mean I am any better or more important in the His family than His son and daughter that He has given to me for a time.
So, do I recommend this book? Absolutely not. Just kidding!!!! Yes, I highly recommend this book. It is not just a book for moms with young children, but for moms who have children of all ages, all stages of parenting.
But what about you? Did you enjoy it? Were there things in the book that you agreed/disagreed with? Did I miss something? Would it be a book that you recommend?
I hope the book was beneficial to you, that you were able to glean a lot from it. I think reading this book came at perfect timing as school is about to be out for the summer. While at first, the thought of no schedules is so welcoming, can I guess that by week 3, a volcano will be blowing in full force? And maybe not the first time in three weeks?
Remember this book, what you've read. But before you pick up the book again to brush up on the strategies, consider your time in God's Word - because as schedules go out the window, this is often the first thing to go out with the schedules. I encourage you to pick up *that* Book first, and then She's Gonna Blow.
Lastly, I really enjoyed doing this Book Talk and it was successful because I actually finished the book. I am thinking of possibly doing another one come the Fall. If you have a book to recommend for this, please let me know! (and no, it does not need to be a parenting book :o).
Until then, it'll just be regular blogging for awhile......take care, and thank you so much for joining me on this journey!
Michelle, I loved your reviews on this book! Now that you're done with it, may I borrow it? I NEED to read it...:)
ReplyDeleteI am glad then to have done the reviews!! I am going to email you sometime this week.....stay tuned :o)