Thursday, July 17, 2014

Is He Even There?

In our church family, close to home and beyond, the last few months have had quite a theme. The theme hasn't been particularly pleasant. Rather, it can be rather dark, foreboding and leaves a hole.


I don't know what it is, maybe it's that I am getting older and know more people than I did 10 years ago, but it just seems like there are many families in the last months that have had to visit the graveside. In fact, awhile back there were at least 7, if not 8 loved ones that had passed away in a 2 week period. I have never visited a funeral home more than in those two weeks.

I know that death is inevitable. We are all going to die at some point - unless our Saviour comes riding on the clouds to call us home without us experiencing our own death.

I know that many in the last months have passed away after being sick, dealing with diseases that left them in a great deal of pain. What a comfort then it is to know that they passed away into glory, finally meeting their Maker, where they are no longer suffering.

However, despite all that, death is still a hard thing to swallow, no matter the circumstances. And it is at these times, when we are vulnerable, that the Doubt Door starts to nudge open. The Doubt starts to creep in, and as the Doubts grow, the door opens further as we go from "Why, God?" to doubting His plans, His love, and His providence.

You then hear what is all going on in the world: babies being killed by the 1000s every day even before they take a breath; Christians being killed for their beliefs; neighbours who live in the same country and spend all day and night bombing each other; such corrupt governments that it just sickens you; families being ripped apart; homes being levelled due to hurricanes/earthquakes; 1000s of people living in squalor conditions; airlines are being shot down....or disappear altogether. All this plus so much more can open the Doubt Door even more as you start to doubt God's sovereignty. And sometimes, even His existence.

It is at these times especially, that we recognize who is pushing that Doubt Door open. It is the prince of darkness - satan. He wants us to start to doubt our Creator, King and God. He loves it and will do everything he can to make sure that door stands wide open, keeping it open with a doorstop. Sometimes he doesn't even have to work hard to keep it open!

That is when we need to pray for eyes of faith, and see that we do have a God that cares; a God that not only created this world, but also maintains it.

It is vital that we see the means God has given to show to us that everything is under His authority - His Word and His creation. By reading His Word, we are comforted by the very fact that not only are we and the world are under His authority, so is the devil, who can not act without God's permission (see Luke 8: 26-33). What a comfort that is!

By surrounding ourselves with His creation, and praying for careful eyes, we will note quickly that we don't need to look very far at all to see that our God not only has authority, but that He exists.

We see His existence in the setting sun:

and in the moon shining so clearly and bright:

He is there in the flowers

and in the miracle of babies.

He is there when we take the time to enjoy the intricate details of the wild life He has created:

and in those He has given to us.

He is all around us, and cares for His creation. When the Doubt Door is ajar, and you start to question whether God really does care for His creation, remember the biggest Doubt buster ever: He sent His own beloved Son. For us, so that we may have salvation - the promise that we will leave this world filled with sorrow, and live forever with Him.
(the above picture of the cross is the only one not mine, but came from here)
Why would He do that if He didn't care? Why would He put His Son through such terrible circumstances, even forsaking Him, and then only to give up on His creation?

No. Slam that Doubt Door!! Use His creation and His Word to know that He is most certainly in control, has a plan, is working out this plan, and is King over all.

May this be a comfort to those who are burdened right now with sorrow, whether they are wiping away tears from recent events or things that have happened many years ago. May they continue to cling to His Word and the everyday proof around us; that there is a God, a God that is steadfast and unshakable, a God that lovingly wraps His arms around His people.

Thank you, Lord, for revealing to us in your Word and creation that you are There and that You Care.

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