Friday, October 3, 2014

Breathe. Deep......and a Before/After

What a whirlwind the last 9 days have been, and the whirlwind is on the verge of turning into a tornado.

Last weekend we were experiencing some fantastic autumn weather, and so we packed up the trailer and headed away for a 4 day getaway. The sun was warm and the colours so vibrant (were the leaves not green like, just a week ago?!), so we heard nature beckoning us out to enjoy it all weekend long. And enjoy we did!

Well, we tried to enjoy where we went. We literally were in a camper parking lot, with everyone else and their cousin, who also decided to enjoy the weather by camping. It wasn't until Sunday afternoon, once everyone left, that we became relaxed. But we live and learn - not to go to this campground again!!

But more about that later. Like I said in my first sentence, life has picked up speed here. I came home from camping on Monday, with two big unexpected things happening within a few days of each other due to the death of loved ones:

The first one being, I made a 3 day trip to Cincinnati to be with a friend who lost her little guy (more about this on another day).

And the second one: I came home on Thursday, after driving for 7 hours from Cincinnati, to welcome not only my own two children, but my three nephews as well! My family has doubled in size and will remain double for a week as my sister and her husband are Out West to bury a beloved aunt of my brother-in-law's (aren't my nephews adorable?!).

And then, on top of the unexpected things, there are the things that have been planned all along: leaving next Thursday for our annual Thanksgiving trip, as well as Keziah having surgery the day after we get back from camping.

See? Forget whirlwind. Tornado seems fitting. Breathe.....I can do this. One hour day at a time.

However, despite all this, I have not forgotten my new series of "Before and After". This week's one is not a cleaning one; if you need motivation to get that hotspot cleared up or those baseboards dusted, you won't find it here :o)

The big Before and After actually has something to do with Keziah and her mane. With surgery coming up, and too many tangles for school mornings, it was time to tame the mane.

Before (ah, I love her hair!!!)




I love it shorter on her (and she is loving the lack of knots)......however, I don't love how such a simple change can make her look so much older.

But she still is my gorgeous, mischievous, fun-loving full of life little girl!

She isn't the only one that got a hair cut. I did as well.......but for some reason, there are no before and after pictures of that ;). I also got my hair high-lighted, but I am thinking it will need to be re-done once the next 3 weeks are over, thanks to more grey :o) Oh well, I shall wear the grey with pride. I think.

Anyway, all 5 kids were sound asleep by 7:40 this evening. If they go down to bed like they did tonight, I may even be able to catch up on the blog and post about some of the things I mentioned above.

Take care and have a great weekend!

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