Thursday, November 13, 2014


No, I am not talking about degrees in Fahrenheit. Or how many inches of snow is being predicted for the winter. Or how many days till Spring (I wish!).

Yet, that number is significant. Why? Because it is how old my dear grandmother turned the other day!!

This woman is the epitome of everything the Lord calls a woman to be: full of service to others, kind, loving, putting others first, teaching the younger ones and to do everything in service to Him.

I enjoy our visits together, where we talk about church things, life issues, as well as current events. She is up-to-date on all of them. She knows what is going on Today.

And not only does she keep up to date on the Present Age, she is actually further advanced than I am when it comes to technology. For this lady has an iphone, and actually knows how to work the thing!! That's my Oma for you! ;o)

This past Saturday, the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren came together to celebrate the milestone of 85 years. While not everyone could make it (all her children were there, but some of my cousins and their children live Out West and understandably couldn't make it), the fact that so many of us were there screamed PHOTO OP!!!

Looking for Oma is like looking for Waldo. But she is in that picture somewhere!

Oma with a large group of her great-grandchildren. There are 13 still out west, as well as one or two here that were kind of done having pictures taken and so are not pictured here.

The kids were asked how much they loved Oma. Thiiiiiiiiiiisssss much! :o)

Oma with her children:

And with her daughters and sons in law:

Oma, (yes, I can write to her this way because that's how tech-savvy she is.....she knows how to get onto my blog!!) you are such a blessing to us. We praise God for being near to you all these past years. I know the last 21 years have been lonesome with the passing of Opa, yet you remain upbeat and tackle each day with purpose. You are a godly example for me. May God continue to bless you with health, peace, and comfort each and every day He allows you to enjoy. We love you!!


  1. What a nice blog to honor your grandmother Michelle. I love the picture of her with her children and her arms around them. I saw Phil and Roz's kids with the great grandkids and took a minute to make all the connections. I read her blog just before yours!!!

    1. Good old Dutch Bingo!! We are all related somehow :o)

  2. Beautiful, Michelle.
    There is also a grandson and granddaughter-in-law in PEI. ;)
