Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello, 2015!! And Blog Goals.....

And here she is! 15 years after the big ol' scare of Y2K......the switch from 1999 to 2000. Back then questions of 'how will our technology be able to handle the two 00's at the end' and 'is this when the world comes to an end'? plagued many minds.

And yet the world has kept turning 15 years later. And could for another 15 years, or 150 years, or 150,000 years! Who knows? But maybe this year, 2015, will be The Year - The Year that our Lord returns. Are you ready? Am I?? Such an exciting prospect, really. This year could very well be the year. But it might not be. God knows.....and we don't. All we know is our Messiah has not come riding on the clouds yet to call us Home eternally, so what are we doing with our time while we wait?

With the potential of a full year ahead of us, it can all be exciting. This is a new feeling for me at the start of a new year. Usually I am leery....remembering all the unknowns I didn't know last year at this time of what will happen in the year that we just entered. Unfortunately, I often spent time contemplating the many sorrows and disappointments, shocks, and hurts of the past year rather than balancing it out by thinking of the many abundant blessings received! So this year, I prayed that my normal 'foreboding' be replaced by peace....that I may enter this year knowing that each and every moment is in God's hands. I pray that this knowledge may give you comfort as well....that nothing happens by chance. Studying the Bible book, Esther, with other ladies in the church for Bible Study has definitely helped in my perspective this time around. I am thankful to God for this.

So, 2015. What now? Time for resolutions? Time for goals? Big, small? Personal ones? Ones that need help in order to be completed?

I'll be honest - I am not a resolution type person. My need/want for perfectionism gets in the way and so it just all becomes quite an unpleasant experience. So no year long resolution here from me. I prefer to make daily ones.....that just seems a bit more achievable for me.

But there are a few things I'd like to do this year, especially with the blog. Here are some things:
  • I'd like to do another Book Talk. I mentioned it a few months ago, and I am thinking February may be a good month to do this. I did get a few suggestions, and I am going with one that I think is a definite must read for ALL. The book is short, to the point and very beneficial. Oh, and choosing it for February also makes the book very timely. What's the book, you say?
So go order yours now (I ordered mine through or you can find it on I like to start the Book Talk the first week of February. So that gives some time for it to be ordered and delivered. I really do hope you will join me in this.
  • I also would like to do a Photography Challenge one of these months. I have a few ideas. I love taking pictures and having a theme or focus is always nice.
  • I do hope to keep up blogging this year again. Sometimes I get a little prideful, wondering who actually reads this blog, if any, and then I meet someone that reads my writing, loves looking at the pictures, but just is not one to comment. So, even if there are just a few readers, I get a lot of enjoyment out of writing and photography, and so I hope to continue (maybe this will be the year you let me know who you are that reads this thing?! ;o)
So, there you have it. Not really any resolutions.....just a few things I'd like to do this year with this space. Next week Nathan is gone most of the week, which leaves me with some pretty quiet evenings. You know what that means - catch up on here! And catch up is definitely needed, for not only have we entered a new year, our dear son has also entered into his fourth year a few days ago. Plus all the other things that have kept us busy in December, and lots of Before and Afters. But for now, I will leave you with this video.
Lincoln received some new tractors, combines and trucks. Here he is, playing with them with daddy, but not letting daddy touch them. Daddy was allowed to play with his new book and a blue car, but was *not* allowed to touch his new treasures. This video cracks us up. I am not sure what is funnier, when he takes the toy away from Nathan every time, or when he gives Nathan his new book to read instead, or when he tells Nathan he needs to stop and listen, or when he thanks Nathan at the end for playing with him. We laugh every time we watch this - I hope you enjoy it as well (it took 51 minutes to upload so you better watch it!! ;o).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm a reader who doesn't comment! Reading all the way from South Africa! Keep blogging!

    1. Hello and welcome, Kate Bell!! From South Africa, you say?! My oh my!! That is very exciting for me!! I had no idea someone from SA was reading this thing! But I am glad you introduced yourself. Do comment again if you'd like :o)

  3. I still can't see your videos :( you'll have to show me yourself!

  4. That ^ was me by the way. Michelle V
