Wednesday, June 17, 2015

This and That

It has certainly become a busy time in the Helder home lately. I have been teaching a fair bit in the last weeks, filling in for a few teachers, which means getting both kids and I out the door before 7:30. The business is keeping my beloved hubby busy as well. Our nights are filled with meetings and so that doesn't leave a whole lot of time to blog.

But despite our busyness, the camera is always ready to capture the latest and greatest of our happenings :o). Let's go back a few weeks.....

Every time Nathan and I lay our heads down to sleep, we look up to a newly decorated sign, thanks to our personal interior decorator. We are very thankful for painter's tape!

Fishing has kept these two busy! Who knew you could catch an electric eel in a little creek?! :)
Somebody thought that to park beside the road was a good idea. In the Spring time. Oops. While it was a dream come true for Lincoln (a tractor!! Pulling a truck out!!), it was not for his dad. A few days later, I overhear Lincoln playing with his cars/trucks, saying "And the truck is out of the mud!! It's a miracle!! God did a miracle!!". His dear sister promptly told him that God doesn't do *those* kinds of miracles :o))

These three had fun finding a worm. They even named him, which I had to write down on a paper per their instructions.
Someone decided to print his name with not much help at all. He has never done this before. The only letter we have done so far is the "L". This kid knows way more and knows how to do way more than he gives off. Stinker.

Someone else stopped sucking her thumb cold turkey. We never pushed it before this time as she was going through so many surgeries and procedures. But now that those are mostly behind us, we talked about it (with the dentist) and that night, she hid her blanket in her dollhouse and has not sucked her thumb again (she only sucked it with her blanket). It has been over a month now. We are so proud of this girl's determination!!
Keziah is now done school! Her first year has come and gone, including a little graduation. She gave her teacher a platter of cookies with a note: Thank you for turning me into a smart cookie. (Thank you, Pinterest!!)
Being done school means lots of time for these two to be together again. Here they have a stool outside on the front step, waiting for Chippy (our outdoor resident chipmunk) to come and visit with them. In the meantime, secrets, stories and laughs are being shared.  I am so thankful for my zoom on my camera ;)
Not only is there more time for those two to be together, there is more time for her to find and come up with treasures. This is a rock with a dead fly sitting on my counter. It's been sitting there all day with a very eager girl checking it every so often, to see if it's finally turning into a fossil. Oh, how I love my girl and her imagination!! 
Ah, yes, life is busy, but never too busy to spend time with our two blessings. We are enjoying life so much!
Despite life being busy at times, we do our best to make sure the two of us also spend time together. Almost 17 years married, and he still gives me an irregular heartbeat!! 

I hope you are all doing well, enjoying each and every day God allows.

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