Thursday, October 15, 2015

And So It Starts....

Yup, that's right. 6 weeks after the fact, I am ready to write about her first day of school. No, it hasn't taken me this long to get used to the idea of her going to school every day. It actually took about a week and a half, but I am doing pretty good with it all.
That first week was not fun at all....lots of wandering around, restlessness, boredom, tears, and wasting time was done. And I am not talking about Lincoln. It was me! Lincoln wasn't the only one lost, so was I. Oh how I have missed her presence, so I have learned to really soak it all in when she is home.

I also learned the second week that I could not drop her off at the bus stop. Yup, I am a suck. Usually Nathan takes her, but one time he couldn't, so it was me. There she goes.....climbs the big steps, sits in the first seat, looks out the window and mouths "I love you, mom!". That did me in. I came home and told Nathan he has to take her from now on.

I am happy to report that since then, I have learned to control myself and can now take her to the bus stop without melting into a puddle of tears. In fact, I see how happy she goes, and my heart is so happy for and with her!

And good news - Lincoln is also getting used to this new normal as well! He has gone from asking about Keziah 6 times an hour to 2 times a day. HUGE improvements, that's for sure!! He still says most mornings that he doesn't want Keziah to go to school, but it's short-lived.

This was him that first morning:

But we both only had to wait about 1.5 hours before we saw her again for the opening assembly. Keziah is going to a school aptly called Grace Christian School. Grace - it's really what it's all about in our lives: God's grace. And when we realize God's grace given to us (out of His love for us!), then we recognize the need to give grace to others.

And then we had the rest of the day to wait for her to come home. We passed some time at Lincoln's favourite place (other than a restaurant :o), The Early Years Centre, and then home where he had fun washing all his cars from camping dirt.

I tried not to look at the clock every 34 seconds as we counted down to picking her up from the bus stop. But finally the time came to go get her! Clearly I was not the only one excited!!

And here she is, exhausted but full of stories. And those stories have not stopped, which I am so glad for as I hardly heard a peep about her kindergarten days.

6 weeks later, this girl is still very excited to go to school. I don't hear a word about what they are learning unless it's about gym (yay! My kind of girl!!), but I hear lots about recess - who she is playing with, what they are doing, what "the boys are always doing" (usually getting into trouble in her eyes :o). She is having a g.r.e.a.t. time and we are so thankful.

We have gotten into a pleasant new rhythm of life, adjusting and learning to make the best of it, especially Lincoln. More about his days the next post!

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