Monday, February 1, 2016

February Foto Fun

January is behind us - all 31 days of it. I usually find January one of the longest months ever and not just because there are 31 days. January can be long due to the fact that it is in the middle of winter, usually filled with lots of wind chills, frozen nostrils and more darkness than light.

This January was easy on us. We did receive a bit of snow and while the temperatures dipped here and there, it really wasn't too bad. No minus 30 wind chills. Phew.

Now we are at the start of February, and we all know what comes next! March!!! March means Spring! Yay!! But before we get ahead of ourselves, we do have 29 days to enjoy before we can smell Spring.

To help us get through one more month of pure Winter, I thought I'd make up a Photo Challenge for myself. Maybe it'll challenge you as well to get that camera out and snap some shots around the house. There are tonnes of different monthly photo challenges, where you are given a challenge a day. I didn't find one that I liked, so I took some ideas from here and there and made up my own.

Here is the following I have decided to challenge myself and my camera:

  1. Commitment
  2. Clouds
  3. Books
  4. Changes to Come
  5. What I do for a Living
  6. Kids in PJs
  7. Childhood Memory
  8. Eyes
  9. Something Old
  10. Myself with 10 Things
  11. Favourite Colour
  12. A Good Habit
  13. A Bad Habit
  14. Love
  15. Something New
  16. A Favourite Saying
  17. Sunset
  18. Best Friend
  19. Exercise Routine
  20. Frozen
  21. Something Red
  22. Something I can't Live Without
  23. Something I want
  24. Tell a Story with One Photo
  25. Music
  26. Jewelry
  27. Animal
  28. Self Portrait
  29. Gratitude
There. By telling you all this means I am committed. So my first photo:

Wow. Quite the exciting picture, eh?! Don't worry, I promise more exciting ones are to come :) But here is proof of my commitment to taking off the camera cap every day to take a daily picture of what is required. If it's been awhile for you, I encourage you to use your camera as well, just to snap a picture here and there of the goings on around you. They are always fun to look back on.

See you tomorrow with my "Clouds" picture. I am hoping that tomorrow's clouds will be just as glorious as today's clouds during the sunset.


  1. This is neat! Love it! I'm gonna try it!

    1. Excellent!! So where can I see your pictures?! :)

    2. Hmmmm. Didn't know that was part of the deal, lol. Maybe I'll use facebook--though I'm not sure everyone will appreciate me flooding their newsfeeds... ;-)
