Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Trip to BC Part 2

Wednesday morning woke us up with the sun shining - yay!!! So we packed up and headed down to Vancouver, using the Sky Train. What excitement for our dear boy who loves all things trains! I was much more relaxed once we were on the train - these platforms make my heart stop, especially with a boy who doesn't realize that a yellow line will not catch him!

We wanted to go to Stanley Park, which meant putting our legs to the test of a very good and brisk walk. We can't get over how green everything is, as well as all the blossoms in bloom! Wow!

While I have been to BC a few times, I have never been to Stanley Park. I am glad we could go and see these amazing trees! We also saw some bald eagles!

We enjoyed a very yummy lunch - the kind where you make sure there isn't a crumb left and every ice cube is sucked due to the expense of it all!

And then off to the Aquarium to be amazed at some more of God's astonishing creations!
 Kiss me. I dare you.

And as if that wasn't enough for the day, we thought we would hop the ferry and head to North Vancouver.

You can imagine we were nearing the end of our energy levels, and so we headed back home. On the way, we were blessed with glimpses of Mt. Baker. Although we had driven this road the past 4 days, this was the first time we got to see it, thanks to the clear weather.

Gorgeous. The next day was also going to be nice and sunny and so a hike was in order. Next time!!

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