Monday, April 4, 2016

I Shall Never Complain of BC Weather Again.....Part 6

So this happened over the weekend....

Keziah even had a snow day today! Well, so did I as I am now working at the school a few days/mornings a week. It was an enjoyable pajama-wearing day. These two spent hours together, and I mean, hours. They only stopped to eat and then they were right back at it. Such a blessed day.

But back to finishing up our trip to BC. Tuesday and Wednesday of our trip were spent at home for the most part. Lincoln was really sick, and Keziah was starting to become homesick. So we spent those days playing in and around the house.

The road our rental house was on was a busy one, and I often found Lincoln sitting by the window watching all the big trucks go by.

Across the road from where we stayed was a school with a pretty amazing park

Nathan did meet up with my cousin, Jonathan, who was able to get the two of them into the Abbey to play on the organ there.

Tuesday night was spent with Doug and Karen, and then because we just weren't ready to say good-bye yet, Keziah and I went on Wednesday to visit Karen and Eden for a few more hours yet, while Nathan stayed home with our sick little boy.

Karen kindly made us some of her famous raisin bread after Nathan begged asked nicely for it many a few times when we were together. It was inhaled by all of us and gone within 2 hours!

Who needs Netflix when you have a front loader?! The kids were quite fascinated by this machine!

Alas, the laundry was done, the house was dusted and vacuumed and our time in BC was coming to an end. It couldn't have come any faster for our girl, who had some sobbing moments as she missed her bed so much. "I even miss my bathtub!" she sobbed the last night while taking a bath :( I woke up on our last morning to find her packing. She had the whole bathroom packed already! Yup, she's a homebody :o)

So back on the plane we went.....only to find out there were no TVs! Oh no! What were we going to do with the kids? We were pleasantly surprised by how well they handled the flight back home. It did help that this kid can sleep anywhere and at any time....(well, that and I gave him some decongestion medicine because he was so plugged up...didn't want his ears to bother him)

And it's a good thing he caught some winks of sleep! Once we landed, another adventure was waiting for us - our luggage disappeared! It was finally found 2.5 hours later. It was all mixed up at the airport due to so many cancelled flights, thanks to an ice storm that had happened earlier in the day. We finally found our luggage (our kids were champs!! the whole time while we proud of them!), got bussed to our car only to find out we couldn't open up our car as it was covered in inches of ice.

Oh, and did I mention that our ice scraper was in Nathan's truck......back at home?! Well, after lots of banging and cracking, we finally were able to get in and drive home. As we drove closer to home, we noticed our town had no power. Sure enough, neither did our home. Oh well......we really were too tired to do anything except find our beds and fall asleep. By this time it was 3 AM!!

Our 12 days in British Columbia and Lynden, Washington were days filled with so many blessings....blessings of time with friends, family, with the 4 of us, and time to take in some of God's amazing creation. We are so thankful we were able to take this trip together as a family. We praise God for granting traveling mercies there and back. It was a great 12 days and we hope and pray we can do this again - there is a whole world out there to explore!

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