Tuesday, May 17, 2016

So How's that Whole 30 Thing Going Anyway?!

So, if you were a betting person (which I really hope you are not).....what would you wager that our Whole 30 turned into a Whole 10? Let me give you a little peek into my week last week: Nathan was at a two-day trade show (i.e. lots of chocolates, candies etc. everywhere), we celebrated Mother's Day with both sides of the families, and then I ended up teaching Gr. 7 a few days, plus was my regular E.A. on the other days, and Nathan and I skipped out of town for two nights to do a bit of relaxing.

Now, knowing those details, that amongst other things, I was crazy-busy PLUS we went on a mini-vacay, I'll ask you again: what would you bet that our clean eating for 30 days turned into clean eating for 10 days?

Well, believe it or not, I learned last week that it *is* possible to have family celebrations, teach 29 fun-loving tweens (albeit stinky at times :o) ) AND eat out for a couple of days and stay on Whole 30!!!

That's right, our Whole 30 is still in full force. In fact, we are just completing Day 16. We are halfway through! I accept your applause graciously :o)

Oh, don't get me wrong. There were (and continue to be) some very, very hard moments, where the temptations to grab some crackers, or a handful of chocolate chips (to, you know, clean my palette), enjoy a sip of milk or a chunk of cheese have left us salivating to the point we almost need to wear bibs, but through each and every temptation, we fought and are fighting through it! Barely at times, but we're doing it!

Although we've had our tough moments, we most certainly have been enjoying some very yummy meals, thanks again to my friend's sister who set this all up. Mmmmmm, we have not been disappointed! The flavours are amazing and I am really enjoying cooking all these new recipes. Here, let me show you some of the meals. Pictures of food aren't always appealing so you'll have to take my word for it - it is very delicious!

We've been enjoying for breakfast some Sweet Potato (with seasonings) topped with hamburger:

If I am not making the potato hash stuff, I am making omelettes (or just fried eggs etc.)

For lunches, we either finish off the leftovers from the night before, or have salads, or have tuna on salad leaves:

Despite teaching so many days last week, I was shown that I don't need to grab a pizza from the freezer, or do a "convenient" meal. The suppers on this Whole 30 are easy to make and result in some very tasty meals. Some of our dinners have been Spicy Almond Pork - scrumptious!!!

So, I mentioned that Nathan and I went away for a few days and still managed to stay on Whole 30. How, you ask? Well, we just let the waitress know our "needs" and we learned that there are some very tasty things on the menu that we would never have chosen if we weren't doing Whole 30.

Our first night we enjoyed shrimp and steak at this place.....a place you don't go to too often due to the impact on the pocketbook.

 We just asked them to hold the bread, and asked to have extra vegetables (sauteed in oil rather than butter) instead of the potato or rice. Yes, we can have potato, but how tasty would a baked potato be without cheese, butter, sour cream and bacon bits?! Yeah, not very tasty. So we passed on the potato. Our meal did not leave us disappointed!!

Our next supper out was also incredibly good, thanks to the cooks and great waitress here:

Again, we asked them to keep the "complimentary" bread in the kitchen (we did mourn it, but got over it quickly :o) ). We ordered a salad with avocado, pine nuts, tomotoes and sauteed mushrooms. Due to the avocado spread throughout, there was no need for dressing. No picture as we gobbled it up so quickly!

Then we ordered a pistachio crusted salmon, again asking for more veggies instead of rice or potato. Are you drooling yet?!

For breakfasts out, we had omelettes and lots of fruit. We ate breakfast late, which meant we didn't need a big lunch. I had taken a little cooler of fruits, veggies and nuts for us to munch on during the day.

Overall, we were so proud of ourselves for sticking to it and recognized actually how easy it was to order "special". We were not lacking for anything. Well, maybe a dessert, but still, we survived :o)

As for what we did for the family gatherings, we just brought our own food (leftovers from the week before). We really didn't feel bad or "embarrassed" as really, all we are doing is eating only real food. How can people make you feel guilty for that?! Well, they can.....but I must say, our families were receptive.

If we managed to tackle what last week all involved, we can DO this for 14 more days!! But honestly, we can't wait for the 15th day from now as well. :o)

PS. And yes, our kids are eating all the same dinners as us and are also loving it! That makes it easier as well.

PSS. or is it PPS.? Anyway, you honestly thought my blog was quiet due to the fact that I just had no energy to update, didn't you?! I mean, no refined sugars, grains or dairy? The thought of us wasting away and no longer breathing even crossed your mind, didn't it? Well, shame on you! :o) We are alive and well, enjoying some results already - more energy, clearer skin and a overall great feeling!

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