Let's get another month done tonight! What did we do in March? I can't remember, so let me pull up my March pictures....
Oh, just another sweet picture of my two babies together.
That's right - my oma came to visit!! We don't see her very often as she lives in Alberta, but she came down! It was so nice to see her!
4 generations.
Lincoln (and Keziah) got a fish. This was a first for Lincoln. He named it Jeffery, and spent many hours watching Jeffery swimming around. The first few days he also would make sure Jeffery saw some of his favourite things (like an eraser!). While playing outside, Lincoln would pop his head in the door and ask me how Jeffery was doing :D Sad to say, we've had to say good-bye to Jeffery last week. He stopped eating.....certainly does *not* take after his owner :D
We stayed home for the March Break, but headed out to Erie, Pennsylvania for 3 days over Easter. We did an Airbnb for the first time, and it was so good!! We shall be doing that again! We hit Splash Lagoon while down there, lasting 4 hours....which is a long time for all of us - we aren't huge crowds people. We spent most of the time though vegging, watching TV and playing games together.
This fort has been around for quite some time. Keziah had a sleepover with a friend, and the two of them even slept in it! And yes, they actually *slept*!! It was fun!
There you go! That was March! Actually, a big event happened in March too, but there are no pictures.....so maybe it didn't actually happen?! But I know it did - I turned 40. Yup, the big 4-0. How, I don't know, but I am. While I can't believe I am 40, I am very thankful for the health I have. God has been gracious to me, and I am more and more grateful everyday that He has claimed me as His own.
I saw your Oma in March too when I was in Ontario ... her visit coincided(?) with my Mom's 100th birthday. Those two sure go back a long way ... probably close to 60 years! The stories they could tell ... if my Mom could remember any of them!