Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Do you hear it?! Do you hear it?!?! It is a sound we have not heard since, well, last March!! It is a sound that is so welcomed, with arms wide-opened.

That sound my friends, is the sound of snow melting. Of it dripping.

When I first heard it, I thought the sound was coming from our noses as we have been dealing with something nasty melting in our nasal cavity (just what you wanted to read......gross!!). But then, as our noses went from dripping to streaming, I *still* heard the sound of drip, drip, drip. And that is when I discovered it was coming from outside. I went out to explore, and wouldn't you know. Not only am I hearing a sound I haven't heard in almost a year, I saw something I haven't seen in a long time either!! Thank you, Septic Bed!

Ah, the signs of Spring. Always so embraced, especially after a month of where the average temperature was -22. The last few days we have been on the other side of 0 - the positive side!! So exciting!

But there is still a lot of snow out there to melt, which is great. Now that the temperatures are at a place where I can send the kids out to play and know that they won't lose a finger or nose tip due to the frigid air, they have been enjoying some time outdoors.

So as you can see, the snow has a ways to go before it is all gone. It actually has 2.5 weeks to disappear, as we have friends coming from Out West (where they have been cutting the grass already!!) and they will be staying in our trailer for two weeks.

Speaking of our trailer - two camping trips are booked already! Yahoo!!!!

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