2012 was a year that we will not forget for a long time. Many things changed, with the two biggest being the blessing of our son, Lincoln, and Keziah's journey in the removal of her freckle (which, if you haven't already, you can read about by clicking on the tab labelled "Keziah's Journey" above).
I wanted to post one picture per month to sum up what that month was all about. Yeah, kind of hard to limit it to just one picture. So I hope you don't mind that there will be more than 12 pictures to look at that will give a snapshot of what 2012 was all about for us.
January was all about waiting, waiting and waiting. Waiting to see if this little boy that we took home from the hospital would be our son. Thankfully, by February 1st, he was officially ours!! A son and brother!
February we celebrated the true arrival of our son by having him baptized and we had some family pictures done (by Chandra Vanderboom Photography).
March we were spoiled with 2 weeks of over 20 degree weather (that would be celsius, not farenheit :o) where the new sandbox was put to great use!!
April was the first of Keziah's surgeries. This surgery was done to put in the expanders into her forehead and cheek. She was all set and ready to go!
Someone else also decided not to stay little for long. Here is our little Sumo wrestler
May went by fast with the weekly fills of traffic jams to Toronto and saline injections.
June meant the first table food for Lincoln, as well as our first family trip with all four of us. We went to Ottawa for a number of days and had a great time!
July long weekend we spent in the hospital, where our daughter went from this
to this....
to this, all in a two week time period.
August we were able to enjoy camping!! The first time for Lincoln!
September is a month where many go back to school. For us, it was another camping trip :o)
October brought on our annual Thanksgiving trip and boy was this a cold one!!
November was the start of swimming lessons for one very excited little girl.
December was when I flew Out West to surprise my penpal.
This month also brought not only a lot of family time but some snow!! And lots of it!! It was fun watching Keziah figure out what can and can't be done in the snow.
And there you have it. Our 2012. While I mentioned at the beginning that our family went through a lot of changes, there was one thing that did not change. And that was our Comforter, Protector, Healer, and Father. Our God. It is so liberating to know that He has a plan for each of us, for each and every year. And the most comforting fact is that although we change, He does not. For He is the same God as He was yesterday, today and will be tomorrow. And that's what we hold on to as we welcome 2013.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13: 8
Great summary of a very eventful year!!