"They" do say that by the time 3 weeks has come and gone, most people's resolutions are long gone from being kept. And that is why I don't make them. Not really anyway. I can't make them. You know why? Because I am a perfectionist, and if I set out to change something and aren't able to, I can get very down on myself, feeling very frustrated, inadequate, and I take on the attitude of "what's the use? I am a failure anyway." That, my friends, is very unhealthy thinking. This attitude does not only affect my thinking, but it affects how I treat those around me, namely, my spouse and my children. You see, it's very easy to blame them for getting in the way of my resolution being perfected.
Let me give you an example. Although I've tried to stay away from making yearly resolutions, I have tried to make weekly and daily resolutions. My daily resolutions usually sound like this:
- I will do my daily devotions
- I will be more patient today with my kids. Let's tackle the morning first, then worry about the afternoon once the morning is complete
- I will be a more supportive wife, in that I won't complain when he tells me he will be in at a certain time, and it's an hour later; or that he has a meeting over the dinner time/bed time
- I will do one thing with my kids, like colour, or read books, or play a game.
- I will do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day
- I will go to bed earlier as today I did not meet my daily "patient" resolutions
- I will start tomorrow with the words "New mercies every morning."
It's amazing then that I even try to make weekly resolutions.
Often my weekly resolutions are made while listening to the Gospel being preached to me on Sunday. It is there, sitting in the pew, that I resolve to put God first in my life, to immerse myself in Scriptures through daily personal devotions. Monday this resolution is usually met, as is on Tuesday. Possibly Wednesday. But definitely by Thursday, the resolve is gone. Out goes my daily devotions and in comes my selfish need to fill that time with mindless activities. It is so much easier to pick up my novel or cross-stitch or sit behind the computer, then it is to pick up The Word. Shameful. I know. (and I know, those activities listed don't have to be mindless and not good, but they are when they come in the way of Him).
Thankfully though, before too many days pass, here comes Sunday again. Where I sit again, in the wooden pew, bound and determined to make the following week a better week. One that maybe, just maybe, I can do my daily devotions till Friday this time. The key though is to make this resolution with God's help. Besides, if it weren't for His Spirit working in me, I wouldn't even be sitting in that pew, for that would be the last place I would want to be!!
And that is what I need to remember, whether I make daily, weekly or yearly resolutions. I can't do it all alone. I can't do it at all. I am but only dust. Thankfully I have a Father in heaven who knows this and knows my weaknesses and human frame. He was human once, too. He just was holy and perfect, never succumbing to the pressures of the evil one. And boy, am I so glad He was successful. That He is perfect. Because I can't imagine putting my trust into a god that isn't. It is He that I rely on each and every day, to help me get through and tackle the tasks He has placed before me.
Do I do it well? Not usually. Do I do it perfectly? Most definitely not. But I have His grace and His Spirit. And that leaves me humbled, relieved, and encouraged. May you also look to Him every day He has blessed you with, remembering His Words:
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