Saturday, January 12, 2013

Quandry Solved!

Thanks to all the comments here and on my Facebook. One comment nailed it on the head: the dilemma was not whether to cut his hair or not. It was whether I was ready for my baby to look like a little boy! I didn't realize that was it until it was stated. Well, although he will always be my baby, that doesn't mean he has to look like my baby. And so we went ahead with his haircut.

A snip here and snip there and that was it! There wasn't a lot to take off but just enough to gather into a little ziplock bag (yes, I am that kind of mom :o). And it's the kind of haircut that only a mother would notice. But it's done and looks so much better!

All ready and excited!!!

"Hey!! Whatca' doing, Aunt Lynne??!"

Aunt Lynne working her magic

"Aren't you done yet?"

There. All done. Nicely slicked and slathered, off to the side.

The back looks so much neater. And it still has a wave! Yay!!!

And a few more shots of my handsome, smily, mischievious, blue-eyed classic baby, er, boy!

Thanks for all the advice!!! Now that I know what the real quandry was about, any tips on how to make these transitions of our babies growing up any easier??! I guess the best one is to enjoy them while we can!! So have a great weekend with any of your loved ones, be them little or big!