Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tough Yet Comforting Realites

"Mom, what day is it tomorrow?"



And then after a very long pause, she whispers to me:

"I don't really like Sundays because it is so hard to sit still for so long."

This conversation didn't really surprise me. Actually, I am somewhat thankful that, while it took a bit, she felt comfortable to tell me something that she knew I would probably not really like to hear. It gave opportunity for a great discussion about the whys of Sundays.

Her opinion though has given me food for thought about God, my children and their walk with Him. If you talk to any Christian parent, their top goal in parenting is to teach their children about the Lord; that our children learn His ways. We pray daily that our children will grow up to know their Lord as their Saviour, and then to live a life of thankfulness to Him.

While we teach them about God, read the Bible daily, take time to teach the Bible stories, memorize a lot of the psalms/hymns that our church sings, send them to Christian schools, go to church joyfully every Sunday - despite doing all that and more, the tough reality is

I can't give my children faith.

I can't make sure that they will be in heaven.

I can't give them salvation because I can't save them!

Although I want them to be saved, the tough reality is I can't do it! I can't do the actual saving!

Oh, this can be so tough to swallow at times.......especially when we think by doing all the above will help them to gain entrance into heaven. But when this fact can be tough to swallow, it is time to sit back and re-evaluate, because that means the focus is all wrong. It is all on man.

And this is where this tough reality turns to a comforting one, because saving my children is not my job! And good thing - because I can't even save myself! No, saving my children is something that Someone has already done - Someone who was able to handle the burden of God's wrath on my (our) behalf, Someone who was blameless. Someone who is God.

That's not to say then, that we don't need to teach our children about God. On the contrary, we do need to instruct them. In fact, we are commanded  to train up our children in His ways, which is clearly stated in Deuteronomy 6: 6

"These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

We promised to do this when we had our children baptized as infants, with the vows of "I do" to 3 questions. But what a humble reminder that there is no Question 4 that goes along these lines:

"Do you, mother and father, promise to do all you can to save your children, so that they may be welcomed into heaven on account of how you parented them?"

What a relief that my children's salvation is not up to me. What a comfort it is to know that faith is a gift I can't give, but is a free gift given by our God.

May we then go forward, parenting our children according to the Scriptures, in the full realization that all we are, are instruments in God's hand.  May we then pray for the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, guidance and encouragement as we raise His children.

Although we can't save our children, we can definitely pray for them!! May this prayer then be on our lips day in and day out:

Loving Shepherd of Thy sheep,
 All Thy lambs in safety keep;
Nothing can Thy power withstand,
None can pluck them from Thy hand.

May they praise Thee every day,
Gladly all Thy will obey;
Like Thy blessed ones above,
Happy in Thy precious love.

Loving Shepherd, ever near,
Teach Thy lambs Thy voice to hear;
Suffer not their steps to stray
From the straight and narrow way.

Where Thou leadest may they go,
Walking in Thy steps below;
Ten, before Thy Father's throne,
Saviour, claim them for Thine own.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Silver Lining....

Last week Sunday, my dad and Nathan left for a bike trip down to the States, with the end destination being Virginia. We all waved them off but poor Lincoln. "I go biking wif Opa and daddy, mom."

Thankfully he didn't put up a fuss once he saw them leave. (We won't talk about whether his mother put up a fuss....)

I am typing this up on Thursday evening, the 5th night on my own. Sigh. I thought of getting some pity from you by writing about all the different ways it stinks that my husband is gone for the week, but I realize the list would be too extensive - and, really, who has 3 hours to read that kind of list?!

So I thought I'd do a different list, a list that points out the silver lining of having a week on my own, without my husband, my best friend, my go-to, my sanity balancer, my - oh wait, that's right. I wasn't going to seek out pity.

5 Things Make This Husband-less Week Have a Silver Lining:
  1. No pressure to make suppers!! Don't get me wrong, I love to cook, and it is not Nathan that expects a 5 course meal every night. Those are my expectations on myself. But when he is gone? It is nothing but grilled cheese, pancakes, pizza and eggs. And for a treat? Cereal!!!
  2. I am able to fall asleep a bit better because I am not ticked off that he is asleep beside me within 3.7 seconds from his head hitting his pillow, while I lie awake for upwards to an hour, waiting for my brain to shut off.
  3. I relax on a few things - like my house. The basics get done, but that is about it. Instead, I spend the time reading, not worrying about Nathan walking in the door while I sit on my butt with a less than pristine house. Again, it's not Nathan who expects me to be slaving away all day and not take a break. In fact, the few times that he has 'caught' me reading on the couch, he tells me I am not to feel guilty at all, and that he likes seeing me relax.
  4. Once the kids are in bed, I get the whole evening to myself!! I can spend all night on the computer, or the phone, and not have to worry that I am ignoring him with my attention completely on something else.
  5. It makes me soooo much more aware of those who actually are on their own due to circumstances beyond their control. It opens my eyes to widows and widowers, who may be now living a very lonely life after having lost their closest friend. It humbles me, making me thankful for the gift I have in my husband, as well as to pray for those who experience loneliness.
Thankfully, a few friends have helped me pass the time away either via visits or phone calls

 And thankfully I haven't been completely alone either - not with these two beautiful blessings with me!!

However, despite the silver lining, 5 nights is 5 nights too long. Tomorrow can't come soon enough! Having him come home tomorrow will be the best wedding anniversary gift yet in 16 years!! :o)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Is He Even There?

In our church family, close to home and beyond, the last few months have had quite a theme. The theme hasn't been particularly pleasant. Rather, it can be rather dark, foreboding and leaves a hole.


I don't know what it is, maybe it's that I am getting older and know more people than I did 10 years ago, but it just seems like there are many families in the last months that have had to visit the graveside. In fact, awhile back there were at least 7, if not 8 loved ones that had passed away in a 2 week period. I have never visited a funeral home more than in those two weeks.

I know that death is inevitable. We are all going to die at some point - unless our Saviour comes riding on the clouds to call us home without us experiencing our own death.

I know that many in the last months have passed away after being sick, dealing with diseases that left them in a great deal of pain. What a comfort then it is to know that they passed away into glory, finally meeting their Maker, where they are no longer suffering.

However, despite all that, death is still a hard thing to swallow, no matter the circumstances. And it is at these times, when we are vulnerable, that the Doubt Door starts to nudge open. The Doubt starts to creep in, and as the Doubts grow, the door opens further as we go from "Why, God?" to doubting His plans, His love, and His providence.

You then hear what is all going on in the world: babies being killed by the 1000s every day even before they take a breath; Christians being killed for their beliefs; neighbours who live in the same country and spend all day and night bombing each other; such corrupt governments that it just sickens you; families being ripped apart; homes being levelled due to hurricanes/earthquakes; 1000s of people living in squalor conditions; airlines are being shot down....or disappear altogether. All this plus so much more can open the Doubt Door even more as you start to doubt God's sovereignty. And sometimes, even His existence.

It is at these times especially, that we recognize who is pushing that Doubt Door open. It is the prince of darkness - satan. He wants us to start to doubt our Creator, King and God. He loves it and will do everything he can to make sure that door stands wide open, keeping it open with a doorstop. Sometimes he doesn't even have to work hard to keep it open!

That is when we need to pray for eyes of faith, and see that we do have a God that cares; a God that not only created this world, but also maintains it.

It is vital that we see the means God has given to show to us that everything is under His authority - His Word and His creation. By reading His Word, we are comforted by the very fact that not only are we and the world are under His authority, so is the devil, who can not act without God's permission (see Luke 8: 26-33). What a comfort that is!

By surrounding ourselves with His creation, and praying for careful eyes, we will note quickly that we don't need to look very far at all to see that our God not only has authority, but that He exists.

We see His existence in the setting sun:

and in the moon shining so clearly and bright:

He is there in the flowers

and in the miracle of babies.

He is there when we take the time to enjoy the intricate details of the wild life He has created:

and in those He has given to us.

He is all around us, and cares for His creation. When the Doubt Door is ajar, and you start to question whether God really does care for His creation, remember the biggest Doubt buster ever: He sent His own beloved Son. For us, so that we may have salvation - the promise that we will leave this world filled with sorrow, and live forever with Him.
(the above picture of the cross is the only one not mine, but came from here)
Why would He do that if He didn't care? Why would He put His Son through such terrible circumstances, even forsaking Him, and then only to give up on His creation?

No. Slam that Doubt Door!! Use His creation and His Word to know that He is most certainly in control, has a plan, is working out this plan, and is King over all.

May this be a comfort to those who are burdened right now with sorrow, whether they are wiping away tears from recent events or things that have happened many years ago. May they continue to cling to His Word and the everyday proof around us; that there is a God, a God that is steadfast and unshakable, a God that lovingly wraps His arms around His people.

Thank you, Lord, for revealing to us in your Word and creation that you are There and that You Care.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Catching Up....

It is catch up time!! It's been awhile since I've posted our goings-on. Our hearts and minds have been with our extended church family the last week and half. While this tragedy is oh so far from being over, we do need to continue living, all the much more to enjoy each and every day God gives to us. And so that is what we do, while keeping in mind the heartache of others. They will remain constant in our prayers.

The day before Canada Day, we went to our town's fair and Rib event. It was a lot of fun!! We learned a few things as well. We learned that Keziah is over her fears of rides, and Lincoln couldn't really care less for them. Once around the circle is good enough for him and then he wants off.

We learned that Keziah is still absolutely petrified of anything dressed up in a costume. This time it was Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Disneyland will be a place we won't be visiting any time soon!

Time to consume some ribs!!! And this is when we learned that both kids loved them......and enjoyed them in very different ways. Lincoln was a True Boy - mowing down on each bone, using his fingers.

And Keziah eats ribs like a True Lady :o) I don't think she needed a single napkin once done.

Before heading home, we figured to get Lincoln clean it was best to let them run through the splash pad.

Apparently the ribs left Lincoln quite thirsty :o)

It was the perfect evening to end off with a little dessert at home.

....even if it meant a brain freeze!

Then it was off to bed to get a good night's rest, so that Keziah and Nathan were all ready for their big 1 km and 5 km run on Canada Day. More on that next time!

Enjoy your weekend together with your loved ones!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Where Do you Go for Comfort?

What a week. It started off, celebrating our country's birthday as well as a great time enjoying fellowship with our extended church family at a well-organized and fun event.

Little did everyone know that the next day, a large part of our church family would be affected by a very serious accident.

On Wednesday afternoon, a mom and her 5 children were travelling in their van when the accident occurred. It has left the mother in an induced coma, in critical condition. Tragically, this accident has also taken the life of her oldest son who was 15 years old. Thankfully, the other 4 children came out alive, with the youngest one needing minor surgery.

Times like these, the verse from 1 Corinthians 12: 26 (ESV) rings so true:
"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together."

Thankfully, those aren't the only words that ring so true in God's Word. So do the following words:

"But now, this is what the LORD says - he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour." Is. 43: 1-3.

We pray hard for this family, as they are now travelling a very difficult road. We praise God for His Word, that we may find comfort there. We are ever so thankful for the hope this family has with the fact that this young man has been taken up into glory. He suffers no more and will never suffer again.

And yet, while we may receive comfort from His Word, there is still a lot of grief and sorrow that the family is dealing with. Early next week they will be at the graveside to bury their beloved son, grandson, brother, nephew, cousin and friend.  May God surround this family, and all those who are suffering with them, in His loving arms. We know that God will walk with them, through this valley, because that is what He promises. May they feel His presence near each one of them.