Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Delightful December!!

Wow - the last month of 2017 has come and gone, and it was a great one!

It started off with this gorgeous sunset on one of the very first days of December. Just beautiful.

We opened up gifts with Nathan's side of the family the first Saturday in December. I know, early, eh? But it is nice to do this so that on the actual day of Christmas, we focus on the best Gift ever given: Jesus Christ as Saviour.

Yes, puzzling is a favourite past time here...all three of them are working on their own puzzle.

This girl LOVES cozy spots. The cozier, the better. She is fast asleep under that blanket. Needless to say, I took that blanket down as I did not like finding her face right against it. Made me nervous.

Playing Life. Our kids LOVE to play games.

We set up the tree in the middle of December....and it's still up! I like the lights for the dark days of January.

Our tradition of opening up gifts the last day of school.  Last year we surprised them with a trip to Punta Cana, so they didn't have any gifts to unwrap. So seeing all the gifts under the tree this year was pretty exciting!!

Tetherball!! (for summer...)
 A 3D puzzle for Nathan.
 Beautiful gold earrings for me.
 So happy for construction paper!!
 A new toy - ONLY for downstairs.... ;)
 A lego set for the biggest child in my life ;) He actually ordered it himself and it came in a few weeks - do you know how often he asked if we could open gifts Tonight instead of waiting till the last day of school?! I made him wait... ;)

A much needed housecoat to replace the size 5T one she has been wearing after supper. The sleeves hardly went past her elbows! She was thankful for a new one!
 The aftermath.....and then it was quiet for about 2.5 hours as my 3 children worked on putting their lego sets together :D

Another tradition - large cookie faces I make for the kids as well as for my nieces and nephews.

A note that was made for us....Dear Mom and Dad I love you more then the stuffy named Patches even tho he is like my best frend. Love Keziah. HAHAHA Thank you, my dear!! :D 

December is a month filled with treats. The next picture shows the difference between our girl and our boy...

A month with lots of time spent together as a family, making memories. I have more pictures of the two week Christmas break, but they are on my phone. 

Someone also finally had a birthday - which deserves a post in itself. Oh, and the big news I mentioned last time - this also involves the individual who had a birthday. I shall get on that post as well.

Take care and thanks for reading! Well, I assume a few people are reading this as my tracker number continues to rise....someone's reading this thing! ;)

Monday, January 8, 2018


Say it isn't so......I haven't updated this blog since last year?! I better get to it then!! I did 10 months of the year of 2017, just two more to go.

November. Let me see. What did November bring us? Good thing I took pictures or else I would not remember much at all. Oh yes - here we are:

Lincoln has such a joy for all things reading. Every month they are given sight words. He is up to 60 words (well, he is actually reading now), but because the sight words come easy for him, he wanted to up the challenge by having us time him. I have never seen a kid get so excited for every single word he yells out. What a clown!

Looking over the pictures from November, many of them were of Lincoln and Keziah doing things together. They truly are never far from each other as you will see....

This is how they play so often, side by side. They have the whole downstairs but this is how I find them almost every day. And of course, I always take pictures when they don't notice. Love it.

Best of friends. Such a blessing.

This is an interesting way to sleep....

Apparently hanging onto your foot helps you to read...

Games, games and more games. That is one of his loves...

Brother reading to Sister.
Gorgeous sunrise one morning. Made the forest look like it was on fire.

Another interesting way to sleep....apparently she needed a stuffie or two to help her sleep. Make that 57.

Making a fort in the classroom while waiting for me to finish up my work - she's in there, can you find her hand?

A mom-son date, out for breakfast.

Again, what the kids do while they wait for me to finish up in the classroom.

Nathan sees a mess. I see creative play. What do YOU see?!

We heard the holiday train was coming very near to our home, so we quickly hopped in the car - no shoes, coats anything. Just run! We caught it....all 5 cars. Sigh. Oh well - the 5 cars were decorated nicely.

Keziah has been into building tee pees, and actually does them quite well without every being shown. Knowing her heritage and roots it must be an innate thing in her, and I honestly mean this as a compliment. I hope that comment isn't taken as racist as I don't intend that at all. I just think it is so cool!! Even at school, one time when I was on yard duty, I found a tee pee in the middle of the playground. Sure enough, Keziah had built it there.  Love it. 
 Puzzles - another favourite past time to Lincoln's.

Keziah and I also had a date - I took her to see Wonder. What a movie. Both her and I bawled our eyes out the whole time. So much of it hit close to home. She couldn't believe how mean kids can be and she left very thankful for never having been teased about her "differences" on her face by her peers. When we left the movie, she said she wished she never saw it, but then through talking about it - that it was tough to watch at times - it was a movie for everyone to learn so much. We had many discussions following this movie. About 5 days later, she asked if she could watch it again. That's totally her - needs some time to digest, chew, think and ponder on something.

First snowfall had this boy happily cleaning off the car. I was a grateful momma!

And that was November! Actually, something big, and I mean, BIG happened in November, too, but that will be the next post. This post is already long enough. :)