Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Camping Catch Up

So I guess I better finish posting about our last camping trip before we go onto our next one!! Sorry for the delay. Teaching may or may not have anything to do with it :)

So, Grundy Provincial Park. Gorgeous. Busy but gorgeous. We went from Halfway Lake, where we could walk around our campsite naked (sorry for that visual!) to Grundy Lake where if you walked around naked on your site, your whole loop and then some would see you!

Nevertheless, the amount of adventure that this park offers sure makes up for the lack of privacy. We got there later in the afternoon, set up and found some rocks to jump off to cool down. It was H.O.T. that day!

No camping trip would be complete without scoring some wood!

The rock formations in this part of Ontario is amazing!

On the days that were sunny (we had a tonne of rain while we were here), we spent time at the beach.

And then. Then we went to a spot that we remembered from 15 years ago: what's known as the Jumping Rocks. These are rocks at differing height levels where you can jump from into the lake. Lincoln and Keziah had no trouble jumping from 15 feet.
The highest one you can jump from is King Kong, about 30 feet from the lake. This time Nathan didn't take near as long as he did 15 years ago to jump from it

A few days later, we saw a side of Keziah we didn't know she had - she dared to jump from the one next to King Kong, which was about 20 feet! Who knew this about her?! She screams if an animal looks at her, but jump 20 feet off a "cliff"? Sure! No problem!!

The adventures continued here at this park, as we enjoyed the Slippery Rocks - you slide all the way into the water and then need a rope to get back out. We all enjoyed it but Lincoln would have nothing to do with it.

We also enjoyed some hiking.

The rain. Oh did we get rain this trip!! So we passed the time away playing oodles of Uno games. We also headed to Science North one day.
 Looking for fossils at Science North:

Eating a meal worm. Keziah and I let Nathan and Lincoln do this. I know. Thoughtful of us, eh? :)

And lastly, we spent lots of time at our campsite, doing what we love: relaxing, whether that be sleeping, reading, colouring or playing together.

It is pretty neat to go back and post pictures about this 2 months later - it reminds me of how much of a great time we had together as a family. We are so thankful to God for these weeks we had. We love doing this with the kids and are excited that they are getting to the age where they can do so much.
Despite the rain, the humidity, the bugs and the bears (we saw lots of bears at Grundy!), many memories were made and we can't wait for next year, Lord willing!!

Talk about picture overload.....I hope you don't have a slow computer! Well, if you do, I doubt you are even reading this.... :)


  1. Great update Michelle! Sure was great to see pictures from the summer holidays! :)

    1. Your comment reminded to me to keep blogging, so thanks for it!! :) These pictures make you look forward to next summer again, eh?!
