Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Silver Lining....

Last week Sunday, my dad and Nathan left for a bike trip down to the States, with the end destination being Virginia. We all waved them off but poor Lincoln. "I go biking wif Opa and daddy, mom."

Thankfully he didn't put up a fuss once he saw them leave. (We won't talk about whether his mother put up a fuss....)

I am typing this up on Thursday evening, the 5th night on my own. Sigh. I thought of getting some pity from you by writing about all the different ways it stinks that my husband is gone for the week, but I realize the list would be too extensive - and, really, who has 3 hours to read that kind of list?!

So I thought I'd do a different list, a list that points out the silver lining of having a week on my own, without my husband, my best friend, my go-to, my sanity balancer, my - oh wait, that's right. I wasn't going to seek out pity.

5 Things Make This Husband-less Week Have a Silver Lining:
  1. No pressure to make suppers!! Don't get me wrong, I love to cook, and it is not Nathan that expects a 5 course meal every night. Those are my expectations on myself. But when he is gone? It is nothing but grilled cheese, pancakes, pizza and eggs. And for a treat? Cereal!!!
  2. I am able to fall asleep a bit better because I am not ticked off that he is asleep beside me within 3.7 seconds from his head hitting his pillow, while I lie awake for upwards to an hour, waiting for my brain to shut off.
  3. I relax on a few things - like my house. The basics get done, but that is about it. Instead, I spend the time reading, not worrying about Nathan walking in the door while I sit on my butt with a less than pristine house. Again, it's not Nathan who expects me to be slaving away all day and not take a break. In fact, the few times that he has 'caught' me reading on the couch, he tells me I am not to feel guilty at all, and that he likes seeing me relax.
  4. Once the kids are in bed, I get the whole evening to myself!! I can spend all night on the computer, or the phone, and not have to worry that I am ignoring him with my attention completely on something else.
  5. It makes me soooo much more aware of those who actually are on their own due to circumstances beyond their control. It opens my eyes to widows and widowers, who may be now living a very lonely life after having lost their closest friend. It humbles me, making me thankful for the gift I have in my husband, as well as to pray for those who experience loneliness.
Thankfully, a few friends have helped me pass the time away either via visits or phone calls

 And thankfully I haven't been completely alone either - not with these two beautiful blessings with me!!

However, despite the silver lining, 5 nights is 5 nights too long. Tomorrow can't come soon enough! Having him come home tomorrow will be the best wedding anniversary gift yet in 16 years!! :o)

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