Tuesday, May 22, 2018

February 2018

Nathan needs to go away more often.....then I get lots of blogging done! ;) Although I am very thankful he hasn't been gone in awhile, I am sad to know I am far behind on my blogging! He has a meeting tonight, so let's see if I can catch up at least one month: February.

Man, that feels so long ago, especially when I see the pictures of that month! Let's take a walk down memory lane....

I know I post this often, but that's because scenes like this happen so often! They are always together at home, either playing, reading, fort-building, whatever. They are always within 5 ft of each other. This time I found them behind Lincoln's curtains in his bedroom.

We had a great amount of snow this winter, February included. We made a bit of a snow fort, which was lots of fun!

Hahaha - these pictures crack me up! It was 100 Day in Gr. 1, so the kids had to dress up as 100 year olds. Lincoln took on this role like he was a pro! He thought himself to be quite something :D :D

Speaking of Lincoln, his reading has really taken off. He reads all the time, and everything. NOTHING gets done anymore. I send him off to do a chore and the chore does not get done because he has found a book.

Oh yes!!! Nathan and I headed south for 5 nights to Cuba!! Oh, it was sooooo nice to be together without work and Life "getting in the way". The food was pretty good, the weather was fan.tas.tic. The resort?! Well, let's just say we wouldn't recommend it - for 1.5 days it was like we were camping as we didn't have any hot water!! So in order to wash up/take a shower, we had to warm water up in our tea kettle, and use that! But oh well - we survived and still had such a great time together.

Lots of pool, ping pong and card playing was had!

The entertainment was a-maz-ing!!! Best we've ever seen!!
 My love of over 20 years. So thankful for him.

We came home with a few Cuba gifts for the kids, one of them being a bat for Lincoln. I caught him practicing his swing when I thought he was in bed sleeping. :)

And that was February!! A short month yet filled with lots of good memories! Maybe I'll have time to do March tonight yet....

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