Thursday, June 20, 2013


A few weeks ago, I was visiting a friend. While lounging in the backyard (rough life, eh?!), I noticed that she had some beautiful flowers in bloom, and so I clicked away. Although I grew up in a landscaping business, names of plants elude me. My friend did tell me the names of the following plants, but I am not sure if I got it right: the purple ones are azeleas (I LOVE purple flowers!) and the orange one is a poppy. I can't remember what the blossoms were. I also can't help acknowledge our Creator when I walk or drive around, noticing all the beauty around me through the colourful gardens.
"For you are great and do marvellous deeds; you alone are God." Ps. 86:10 

And then, while walking around her backyard, I came across two species that I couldn't quite figure out. They grow like weeds but must be flowers as they are stunningly gorgeous. Maybe you could help me out? Here's a picture of them:


  1. Hee hee, you almost got it...purple ones are alliums :P Blossoms are from a horse chestnut tree. Love the pic of the girls!! i will have to get a copy of that one :) Lish.

  2. nice pictures of the flowers; cute pictures of the kiddos; looks like you are having nice weather.
