Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Camping, Come and Gone

What better way to celebrate the end of school than by going camping for a week?! As soon as the year-end assembly was over, we scooted home and left right away to go camping. We were so excited to go and so we didn't waste any time.
 Keziah and her stuffies.....all lined up and ready for bed :o)

After a day on our own, friends joined us. Friends with lots of kids!! And a couple days later, MORE friends came, also with lots of kids!! Between 3 families, there were 15 kids :o) You can imagine that once those kids were there, we only saw ours just before bed. They all had so much fun together!

Girls being girls = crafting, crafting, crafting

Boys will be boys = digging holes


Part boy part fish. He swam soooo much, just absolutely loving the freedom.

Due to it being so dry right now, there was a fire ban. We could only have cooking fires, meaning the fires had to be put out by 8pm. This was perfect for the kids - enough time to enjoy some roasted marshmallows and s'mores.

A tick did decide to feast on Lincoln, but thankfully there have been no symptoms of Lyme disease.

The park we went to has a tonne of mountain biking trails, much to the delight of these guys. Many, many kms were put on their bikes that week!!

A day after Canada Day, we came home. We were blessed with an amazing week with some very dear friends, friends that have been a part of our lives the last 18+ years. We are thankful for the many memories made this camping week.

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