Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Last week, Nathan was gone on a business trip for 4 days. No, that is not why the title of this post is "Excitement" :o) Believe me, the days leading up to him leaving are faaaaar from excitement. I despise it when he has to go away overnight. It doesn't happen too often, a few times a year, yet I don't like it one bit. Actually, the days leading up to it are the worse. Once he is gone, it always goes much better than I anticipate. But till he's gone, I kick, scream and cry. Well, maybe not kick and scream, but if I said my blog would be honest, then I must admit there may have been a tear or two that was shed.

When it was just the two of us and he left for a few days for business or whatever, I disliked it because I was fearful of something happening to him. He was all I had!! We didn't have children that would remind me of him. On the flip side, I also took advantage of him being gone: browsing through my favourite stores like Talize and Value Village, not worrying about having to rush home to make a "real" supper. I also would get a lot of sympathy from my kindergarten students as I would tell them that "I am sooooo lonely" :o) I would even get an invite or two to their homes for dinner!

Now with two little kids of my own, I still don't like it, not fearful of something happening to him, but fearful of how I am going to get through my day without the regular highlight: him coming home after work! How would I get through the hours 4-7, when I find that time being the longest part of my day.....almost like another day in itself in just those 3 hours! But once again, the LORD provided. We actually really enjoyed last week, with a good mixture of socializing and staying at home. So hopefully the next time he leaves, I will remember that although Nathan is gone, my source of strength, encouragement and wisdom is always near me. Each and every day.

Clearly the most exciting part of Nathan being gone was Saturday morning, when I took the kiddies to the Toronto Airport to pick him up! That was soooo much fun!

Keziah was amazed that the cars were driving under us!

At the airport by Arrivals, there were two dinosaurs, a large one and a small one. This is about as close as she would get to them. I am impressed that she even got this close!!

See? Excited I tell ya!!

When we arrived, the board said the plane would be 45 minutes late. Groan!! But then the next time I looked, it said this (it's the Hartford Flight 7427 flight):

And then, hold your hats!! It said this:

But we knew it could still be awhile, and so we kept on exploring. Building engineer one day, maybe?

"Excuse me, sirs. Would you know where I could find my daddy?"

Is he here yet????

Her reaction to him walking through those doors is a memory that will be ingrained on my heart forever! I enjoyed witnessing it so much I'm almost tempted to tell him to go away again so I can witness it again!! (the key word in that sentence would be 'almost' :o)

Hey, that guy looks familiar!

"Daddy, I am taking this so you don't leave again!!"

Although we had a good 4 days without him, we are sooooo thankful to God that our dad and hubby is back home with us. Our family is incomplete without him!! Besides, who else can we mooch food off of AND turn into a rmotorcycle racetrack at the same time?


  1. I forgot to ask yesterday where Nathan went! Picking him up at the airport must add to the excitement of him coming back ... but I'm still glad J takes care of getting to & from the airport on his own!

  2. Hey, that was easy! I tried to comment on the squash soup recipe, but I failed about 50 times to prove that I wasn't a robot!
