Thursday, October 11, 2012

What IS this??

Welcome to the first post of Helder Happenings. What is happening right now is this:

It doesn't seem to bother him so that is good. I don't usually get concerned about red bumps, but these bumps are filled with fluid (contagious maybe?). I thought I'd ask if you might know what kind of rash it is. Whenever I had a question about something in my other blog, it was quickly answered by you. So I am leaning on your expertise once again :o)

(what a way to start a look at this rash!! Don't worry, the posts/pictures shall get better over time :o)


  1. hmm....hand foot and mouth disease?? It is going around in our church. Does he have blisters on his hands and in his mouth too? Hope you find out soon and it doesn't cause Lincoln too much pain! :)

  2. I have checked his hands and mouth....nothing. Does it come with a fever? It really doesn't seem to bother him at all and it is not on the other foot. Over the course of the day the fluid seemed to disappear but they are still quite red. I'll see how it is tomorrow.

  3. Has he been wearing socks and shoes lately? It may just be a heat rash from wearing socks again. Kids get rashes for weird, unknown reasons sometimes. My kids have had rashes like that before and they generally go away on their own. Another option might be bug bites if something got stuck in his sock. while you were away on the weekend. If it's not bugging him and it's not spreading, I wouldn't worry about it. Keep it clean and dry so that it doesn't get infected though. A little polysporin might be a good idea.

    1. That's probably it because it hasn't gone to the next foot or anywhere else. It's gone up his leg a bit, but other than that, no worse. Polysporin.....good idea!! I am SURE I have some of that stuff still kickin' around from Kez :o)
