Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Although it is November, we have been experiencing some amazing weather. Like plus 20 degree Celsius weather. Not just for one day either, but for four. FOUR days in a row!!!! And you can bet your booties, I am enjoying every. single. moment of it, 'cause I know what is coming next.........my daughter's favourite season and my dreaded season. Winter. Well, if winter was for 1 month, it wouldn't be so dreaded, but yeah, not where we live! We get to have winter for minimum 5 months! Yippee-I-aye!!

In the last few weeks, we've been able to enjoy a few hikes with friends, observing God's creativity around us. The colours. The animals. The smells. The sounds. Autumn is just such a beautiful season.

There were lots of these guys, much to the kids' delight!

And cool looking prints in the mud.

A year ago I cried because it was snowing. But not this year!! We will continue to enjoy our days outside, where it is warm enough to wear just an undershirt apparently (yes, he *is* wearing an undershirt.....you just can't really see where it starts or ends, thanks to him losing what little tan he had from the summer :o)

And while I bemoan the fact that Winter is coming, I am thankful for God's faithfulness in the changing of the seasons, year after year. Autumn is not the only season where He shows His creativity; He does the same in Winter. Hard to see it sometimes when it can be so grey, cold and blustery, but all of that is from His hands as well.

I am thankful for a God that not only has the weather and seasons in His hands, but has me as well. While I don't look so forward to Winter as it can affect me, I go into the season with confidence and comfort, knowing He is there with me every wintry day. May you feel His presence wherever you are as well, no matter the Season of Life you are in!

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