Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ice Storm Pictures

Like I mentioned in my last post, there was an ice storm in our area. We missed it due to being out west but we came home right after it was done, so there was still lots of ice everywhere. While having an ice storm can cause so much damage, there is just something beautiful about seeing ice stuck to everything, especially when the sun comes out. My camera doesn't capture the true beauty of it all but I still love taking pictures of it.

Nathan's truck was covered.....his hub-caps made quite the beautiful ice circle!

All of these pictures were taken 3 days after the ice storm. It looked so sparkly outside for a number of days! There were a few victims though of the heavy ice....

The damage to trees from an ice storm can be so sad to see! So while I love the sparkle of ice, I am thankful ice storms don't happen too often.

1 comment:

  1. It was beautiful driving around!
    We lost 3 HUGE branches off of a tree. It took out our chain link fence (which is okay because it was coming out this spring anyway), but we didn't have any other damage. We also got to have a really big bon fire which is always nice.

    Your pictures are very pretty :)
