Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust, er, Sand!

That's right. Another camping trip done and more memories made. So much so that I actually had to divide the pictures into 4 categories! That's what happens when you take over 200 pictures :o) In the next days, I hope to post pictures from each category, starting with today's:

Campsite Fun

We went "north", to Sibbald Point. We have gone there before. The first time was when we were married for a year. We said we would never go back as we preferred hiking and biking trails. Sibbald does not have much of this at all. What they do have is a great beach and a fantastic playground. But yeah, if you've been reading my blog for awhile, you will know that these attractions weren't really attractions for us for many years. My, how things have changed in the last 4 years! Now it is the park we look forward to going to!

It's not too far, about a 2 hour drive or so. According to Lincoln, it is about 1 hour and 45 minutes too long. Once at our site though, the fun began! But first, set up.

Daddy is never short of a helper:

Once he tired of helping, he and Keziah enjoyed the sandy site:

Lots of stories were read!

The weather was quite nice most of the time and so we were able to enjoy breakfast outside. Nothing like eating outside. Food tastes waaaaay better.

Love this girl!!!!

And this food monster!!

Lincoln learned quickly where the peaches were kept, helping himself to them:

Not sure if you were listening to the news the last few days, but did you hear about the traffic jam at Sibbald? Yup, it was at site 567.

Here they are, enjoying their favourite things.

You would think that all this poor boy does is eat. The next set of pictures will show that he does know how to do other things. But yes, eating he does best! :o)


  1. Great pictures so far... love the look on Lincoln's face while he is eating the peach.
    He looks quite guilty!!

    1. Guilty, that's for sure! It's almost like he is trying to shove it in so quickly, before I notice! Gotta keep an eye on this kid :o)
