Thursday, March 26, 2015

Before and After (from a long time ago!!)

So, on the second last day of the year, we celebrated a birthday here in our home - Mr. Lincoln's. While I did write a blog post about it, I neglected to add pictures of his cake. Going back through pictures, I noticed this and remembered that I had taken before and after pictures of his cake and have yet to post them!

So while they are 3 months old, here is a Before and After of his cake:

Needless to say, while it wasn't his requested dinosaur cake, he was absolutely THRILLED with this cake. He still talks about it to this day. In fact, it is someone's birthday tomorrow, and he thinks I should make that person a tractor cake as well! While I love the colour green, I think I'll pass on making myself a tractor cake :o)

And now some other pictures yet from his birthday:

With 3 months under our belt with a 3 year old, we are surviving. Barely, but we are. Whoever coined the phrase Terrible Twos certainly did this before they dealt with a three year old!! 3 (and 4) was tough for our darling girl, and 3 is proving to be tough on our handsome boy as well. I call it the Tormenting Threes. They are wanting more independence, and feel they need to share their opinion all day long, whether they like something or not (usually not). Oh, and in between all the "I do it!!" and "I don't want that!!", there is the "Why, mom?" Why is it winter? Why is it cold? Why is daddy at work? Why you ask me to do this? Why I have to listen? Why? Why? WHY?!?!

He made up for his antics the other day. We were in the doctor's office, looking at pictures. He saw a picture of a beautiful woman and said, "She's pretty." and then "Is that you, mom?"

Ah, bless his heart. He is once again my perfect little angel. Cough, cough :o)

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