Friday, November 30, 2012

Lincoln - 11 Months Old!!

Did I not just write a 10 month old blog post for him? So tell me, where did this last month go?? And looking at my calendar for December, it's not likely to slow down, which will be even harder because then my baby will be one. Let's not go there yet. My heart can't handle it.

So what has this monkey been up to lately? He is definitely proving to be a unique child. I say this positively! Let me share a few examples.

Most babies have an attachment to a blankie, or teddy, or stuffie. Nope, not this boy. You know what he is attached to? Two ends that are from those foam floor mats. Those two ends go everywhere with him. He crawls with them; he climbs with them; he kisses with them; he opens up my cupboards with them; it's getting to a point that to get a picture of him without them in his hands is difficult. Oh, and if you dare to take them away?? Look out!!!! The pictures will show you what I mean by this obsession:

This would have been a sweet picture....if those thingees weren't in the way!

Feel sorry for him, don't you! Can you guess what we took away?!
and don't take them away from me again!!!

In the last two weeks, we've also had to childproof our cupboards. This is where Lincoln is very different from his sister. We only had to childproof the cupboard under the sink for her. There was no need for the others to be childproofed because she never went in them!! Well, for Lincoln, every single door is now locked. And he actually is having more fun with them now because he can slam them open and shut, open and shut!! They only open up about 2.5 inches, which means he has lots of fun banging them back. Such a boy!!
(note what's in his hand??!)

One other thing that I find makes Lincoln interesting and unique, is his love for books already. With Keziah, I made a point to sit down with her every day to read to her. It often resulted in a frustrating experience because she would sit on my lap for all of 3.7 seconds, enough to read 2 words, and then she wanted off. Something must have clicked though, because in the last year, Keziah will now sit and look at books for half an hour, on her own! She LOVES books!! And this love must have been passed on to her brother through osmosis, because although I have rarely sat down to read to Lincoln, he also loves them!
I have learned not to holler through the house "what are you two up to?" when it's quiet, because this is often how I'll find them. Sorry for the not so good picture...I didn't want them to notice I was taking a picture of them! That'll be the end to the quiet!!

When I do read with him, he can sit through 4 or 5 books without squirming an inch.

Here he is making all kinds of sounds as he is turning the pages!! Too precious!

And so we look forward to another month before he is one, DV. By the way, do any of you have a birthday (or a child's birthday) in December right around Christmas? Lincoln's is the 30th of December, and I am trying to think of ways to keep his birthday separate from all the other festivities. I know he won't know the difference yet, but one day he will. So any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

(my 'adoption Q & A' post is being worked on. I was going to drop it, not thinking there was an interest, but then I did receive a few emails with a number of questions. I hope to address those in the next few days. So it's not too late to ask your question yet if you have one :o)


  1. Hi Michelle,
    Don't think that there is no interest in adoption. There are two possible scenarios at work. The one is that we are lazy and hope that you will give us all the answers without us asking. The other is that we may not feel comfortable when 'prying' into your personal life. If there was no interest, you wouldn't have people reading your blog.

  2. I agree with Dick. Also sometimes a person doesn't know where to begin with asking questions but once some info is given, and once people know how open you are, the questions may come.
    As to Lincoln, he is some cute kid! And growing fast. I always love his impish grin!

  3. Oh yes, I totally agree that one might not know where to begin with a question. I don't agree with the fact that one might be too lazy to ask; I think it's more that people might not have any. I figured if there were no questions, then I wouldn't write a post about it, thinking that I was boring my readers :o)
