Wednesday, January 2, 2013


We finally had a snowstorm, the first one in about a year and a half!!! You know these facts when your hubby is "involved" in snowclearing. I put that in quotation marks as he doesn't do the actual clearing, but is out and about getting in the way  checking things out as the employees are snowclearing.

Although it didn't come in time for Christmas, it still came at a good time, Boxing Day. I think I could hear a collective sigh from all the moms out there with kids home for the 2 week Christmas Break. Yes! Snow!! Now these kids have something to do outside!

We got a good dumping, like 12 inches. It was the beautiful sparkly and fluffy kind, the kind that makes everything look like a winter wonderland.

Keziah was very excited to go out and play!

"Help, Mom!! I've fallen and can't get back up!"

This was Lincoln's first time enjoying the snow as well. And enjoy he did!!

He didn't like this sled at first, until he saw what it was for! Then he loved it!

And the faster the better with this boy!!! Nathan had great fun whipping Lincoln around in it, letting go of the rope and letting him slide forever. And Lincoln couldn't get enough of it! He was laughing so much!

Our beautiful snow princess!

Here's hoping we can find some time to go tobogganning before it melts. I love this weather so much!!! As long as it is snowy and bright, I love winter. It's the grey dreary damp days I don't care for. But those are gone for now and so we will enjoy these sunshiny days while they are here!


  1. Makes me wish we had snow! Though we do have sun today, we are only enjoying it through the windows as Joel is sick, sick, sick. :(. Enjoy your snow and your sun!

    1. Awwww, what does Joel have? Hopefully he's the only one!

  2. We are all dropping like flies. It's the fever achy flu. Blah!
