Friday, July 5, 2013


So this past Monday was our first summer statutory holiday. Aren't holidays great??! Time to sleep in, lounge around and enjoy the fact that there is no pressure to be anywhere. For work, that is.

Well, we don't do "sleeping in" here, so we thought "why not do a 5 km Canada Race down by the lake?". We weren't the only crazy ones with this idea. We were two out of 274 people that signed up for this race. We even convinced Nathan's cousin to join us!!

So, off we went, yanked the kids out of bed early and were down by the registration table for 8 am. We plunked the kids in the bike trailer/stroller and away we went. We had done it before, 3 years earlier. That means one kid lighter, as well as a smaller and lighter stroller.
But we did it! Pushing 60+ pounds, as well as the stroller, we completed it. My goal was to come in under 35 minutes. Secretly I was hoping for under 30 minutes, but I warned myself not to be too disappointed if that didn't happen.

I pushed the stroller the first half, and Nathan pushed it the second half. It worked well because you run 2.5 kilometers then turn around and come back. So Nathan was ahead of me. All I had to do was flip the stroller to face the other way and he took over.

Nathan completed the race in 28 minutes and 37 seconds. I completed it in 30:34. 34 seconds over my secret target time. Ho hum. I could blame the extra 34 seconds on the stroller, but I do believe that stroller kept me upright and going! Once it's rolling, I had to keep up with it or else it'd end in the lake!

A few days later we got everyone's results back. Just as I was pretty much reassured that my time of 30:34 wasn't too bad, I saw that a 79 year old man beat me. 79 years old, people!!!! That is 44 years my senior. There went my "Proud of you" balloon. Popped in an instant. Thankfully though, I kept looking down the list and immediately I felt better. You know why? Because I beat an 80 year old by 9 seconds. That's right!! Medal goes to me!!!
Nevertheless, even though I didn't quite make it under my secret time limit, I was glad for the challenge. Maybe next year?

And seeing as we were down by the lake, we though we'd check out the new pier. We felt we should be paying $100 for every step we took on that pier, knowing how much this pier has cost the city, and the drama that all went with it.

Before we left, we were given lots of free snacks and stuff. That sure kept Lincoln happy!

Well, all of this was done before 10:00 in the morning. That left the rest of the day for more fun! Keziah can't wait to tell you what she saw!!!

Maybe more time tomorrow to fill you in :o)


  1. I'd be pretty proud of that time if I was you. I did my first 5K in May and did 27minutes plus some seconds and that was with no stroller (not to mention a very large stroller with two kids in it!!) I am very impressed! I tried jogging at home with the stroller when I was practicing and it was a "no go". I was exhausted right away! So I say "Great Job!"
