Friday, November 22, 2013


Welcome to the third week of Pretty, Happy, Real, Thankful, Funny and Love. You'll notice most of them have the same theme, Keziah's surgery, as that is what took up most of our week.


The other week, we woke up to one of the most gorgeous sunrises we've seen in awhile. I just loved the contrast between the dark and looming sky behind the brightly lit up coloured trees. What a beautiful way to wake up, to realize that yet again, the sun rises, each and every day, thanks to our Creator.

While the bed at the hospital is pretty good, I sure was happy that I only had to sleep here one night:
We are so thankful to all those involved this past week in regards to Keziah's surgery. We are thankful that we live close to a hospital that is renown for its work. We praise God for the team that cares for Keziah and all her needs.

While Tylenol and Advil were helpful to ease Keziah's pain this week, it became abundantly clear that the best medicine of all was having her family back altogether, especially her brother. The first picture is the day after her surgery, the second picture is the next day. All smiles when around Lincoln. And as you can see by Lincoln's lovingly gaze at his sister, the feeling is quite mutual :o)

We thought it was quite funny that Keziah wanted broccoli for supper, a few hours after her surgery. What a funny duck!

Keziah came home from the hospital with this large doll that was given to her. Lincoln was not too thrilled, running away from it. Is it mean that we think this is funny?!

Keziah really dislikes the taste and smell of her medicine. Why can't they make medicine with a broccoli flavour?! It'd be no problem then to get it in her!!

Still with the "funny" theme, Lincoln is learning to close his eyes during prayer. It sure is hard for us to keep a straight face when he is looking like this!

And lastly, Love:
I love it that this little boy wouldn't let me go after being away from me for a few days. He also loved all the hugs from his sister.

1 comment:

  1. It is so funny when they scrunch up their nose when they first learn how to close their eyes. It is like they can't do one without the other :)
