Friday, January 17, 2014


Ah, a much better ending of the week than last week, that's for sure! Moods are lighter, smiles are brighter and the atmosphere is calm, peaceful and pleasant. It truly is amazing how much my mood(s) affects my home. Something to always be mindful and prayerful of.

I don't know if I captured all 6 categories this week, but I will start with the one that stands out the most.

I am SO thankful for the Women's Bible Study I attend. We meet every other Tuesday night to study His Word. While we usually study a book from the Bible, this year we are studying one of our confessions, The Belgic Confession. It is a summary of what is in the Bible, clearly laid out in 37 Articles. And what a blessing this confession is!!! But going every other Tuesday night is a twofold blessing, with the one being that I am learning (again) why we believe what we do, and the second blessing is to be able to do this with other sisters in the church. Not only do I leave with more knowledge about this awesome God that calls me His child, I am also built up by the women I study with. I am very thankful for not only our confessions, but also for the communion of saints. And as you know from my previous post, being encouraged in the Word with my sisters in the Lord is exactly what I needed.

Enjoying a daddy-daughter date! Keziah was sooo excited that she got to go out with her daddy: I can talk to daddy all I want!!

I don't usually like to emphasize to her how pretty she is, but rather point out to her her inward beauty, but a fact is a fact: this girl is gorgeous!!

Maybe I will need to add a new category seeing as this young man will never fall under the 'pretty' category. Possibly labelled Handsome? Oh yes!! Innocent?! I think not :o)

Having a partner in the kitchen with me makes me very happy. And so is she, as she has found out that eating a few chocolate chips while we clean up is par for the course :o) (I have always done that - cleans out the mouth nicely :o)

After half-heartedly trying, reality is this child is not ready to be toilet trained. I knew that, but he was so excited about the potty. I do believe Keziah was just as excited as he was. It was just me that wasn't.

I love it that no matter how busy of a day this man has, he always ends it with spending time with his children. That's how kids spell love, eh? T-I-M-E.

I also love it that although we've been together for more than 18 years, having a date with my man still makes my heart flutter.

Well, look at that. I DID manage to hit all categories, just in a different order. I hope you had a great week! Next week we are in for some more snow and another Arctic Cold streak. How many more weeks until Spring?!

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