Saturday, February 13, 2016

February Foto Fun Day 13: A Bad Habit

This is a very bad habit of mine. Oh, and a gross habit as well (aren't most bad habits gross?!). My bad habit (one of them) is I never know what to do with grease from after cooking something in my crock pot. And so because I never know how to get rid of the stuff, I tend to leave it, thinking that somehow it will disappear on its own ?

But no, a few days later, it is still there and I have to deal with it before it gets nasty (ier). But how? Only the top layer hardens and so I scrap that away, but what do I do with the liquid part? What do YOU do?

In the summer I tend to throw it outside far from the house, but what about the winter?

Please, please, please tell me how to break this habit. It is sooooo gross! Thanks!

Day 14: Love

1 comment:

  1. I allow fats/grease to solidfy (even pouring bacon grease from a frying pan into a bowl and putting it in the fridge) and then scrape out and put in the compost.
