Friday, February 19, 2016

February Foto Fun Day 19: Exercise Routine

I started CycleFit again in the last couple of So hard yet so good.

Exercise has been a part of my life for a very long time. Nathan and I got our first gym membership when we were married for 6 months and we've made use of it ever since. Those first few years, we would meet at 4 or 4:30 and work out together. It was always so "pleasant" to spot for him after a day of him visiting all his customers, which were farmers (his old job). Mmmm, farm sweat.  (just in case you can't read it, I am being very, VERY sarcastic here......blech!!!!)

Once he switched jobs to what he does now, we would work out together at 5:30 in the morning, and then we would go each to our own jobs.

And then the kids happened. But while working out together stopped, we still worked out......just separately. I worked out according to the hours the day time care was available (9-12), and Nathan worked out at 5:30 in the morning. And this is still the times we work out to this day.

I am thankful I am healthy to be able to do this. Whenever I don't feel like working out, I remind myself of the fact that I *can* work out, so get going.

Day 20: Frozen

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